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  1. zgirl

    demonoid? Shut down??

    I figured that the possibilities where in my favor. That I would get a informative answer here and I did and I truly appreciated sorry if that upset you I do use imgburn and dvd flick
  2. I need some help I am a fairly new I know the basics. Okay I have a file that I downloaded it reads prism-httm.r00 all the way up to r48. I use imgburn and dvdflick. Is this a normal file that I can just put in imgburn under build and make a dvd that I can watch? Or do I have to do something to it?? If anyone can help that would be great thanks in advance!!!
  3. Okay so I know that demonoid is down. I just googled it and there are 3 dif sites one being rapid share and the others are just showing the download for demonoid does anyone know anything more about this or has anyone been brave enough to actually download demonid is this now how you have to get demonid is this real??? If anyone has any answers that would be great dudes
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