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Posts posted by playmax

  1. The log only tells you so much... if the program is waiting on something, it usually displays that message in the status bar, not in the log.


    ImgBurn is a GUI app and is supposed to be visible. I can't tell if it is or it isn't with the way you're running it.


    When you get a working drive/firmware/media combo, you won't have any issues with burns failing etc so I'd worry about getting that right rather than not being able to read the log file in realtime.


    if you run the app from a hidden user (task scheluder for example) you can`t see the aplication, you can only see it in task manager as a process but no user preview, this way the regular user can`t shut it down, but unfortunately the tech suport can`t see either whats going on with the burner. i`ll do the updates and stuff and see how it goes.



  2. Stick to using drive letters if you can for the /dest drive. It shouldn't cause a problem unless you've got lots of usb burners connected though - where the scsi ID for all of them would be 0:0:0 :)


    1x isn't always the best speed to use (not that it's supported by most drive/firmware/media combos anyway), so it's a good idea to try all the supported write speeds.


    Your drive isn't failing to burn due to anything you're doing in the script.


    I too have run SP3 on hardware like that (in a primary school) and yes, they're slow, but I wouldn't say it makes a big difference. After all, the CPU sits there idle most of the time. The biggest slow down comes from antivirus software, not from anything the OS is doing.

    I get the ID for the burner using IMGBurn because sometimes the client has the brilliant ideea to change letters, the 1x speed is a reference speed since the best thing about your program is that if the disc doesn`t support a specific write speed it auto detects the right one and burns with it :), the bad thing of my script is that its written in 2 stages 1. make iso 2. burns ... because i need to know where the problem is, usually the program hangs at burning stage, where in most cases i can`t check the real error because i have no logs (i`m running the script on hidden user for security) a real time log or even a temp file would help a lot, at least in my case

  3. Stick with UDF 1.02. There's no real benefit to 2.01.


    Does SP3 really slow it down that much?! Have you actually tested it or just going on hearsay? What's the typical spec of these 'slow' machines?


    i`ll switch on UDF 1.02 and test some more with UDF


    Yes, SP3 really slows them down, i say it from personal experience but we are talking about something like Celeron 2.00 Ghz, from 256MB up to 1 GB RAM, on higher configs i try to have SP3 as default.


    Sorry, there's no real-time logging option, no.


    any chances i can find the current IMGBurn Process log in a temp directory or something if so can i have its location pls

    Edit: got it... unfortunately writes only on exit



    You missed the point with DVD+RW, they don't need to be erased. They support direct overwrite (we're not talking about overwriting files, but overwriting sectors on the disc) so you just write the new image over the top of whatever was on there before. The new one replaces the old one in its entirety.


    Using discs with a dye that's better supported by the firmware (and just higher quality in general) will lead to less problems burning and less failures like the one you posted above.


    Indeed a good info, never thinked about it this way anyway looks like the new bunch of RW`s i got now are some LG+RW, i`ll keep an eye on this ones and see how it goes


    Maybe the burning script has problems?



    Old One:


    Start "Scrie_ISO" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "D:\Iso\arhiva.iso" /DEST 1:0:0 /COPIES 1 /SPEED 1x /ERASE /VERIFY NO /DELETEIMAGE YES /START /CLOSE /WAITFORMEDIA /LOG "D:\Iso\scriere.log" /EJECT YES


    New one (did some adjustments on log write method and speed):


    Start "Scrie_ISO" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "c:\Iso\arhiva.iso" /DEST 1:0:0 /COPIES 1 /SPEED MAX /IGNORELOCKVOLUME /ERASE /VERIFY NO /DELETEIMAGE YES /START /CLOSE /WAITFORMEDIA /LOGAPPEND /LOG "c:\Iso\scriere.log" /EJECT YES

  4. The file system being used has nothing at all to do with that error.


    On a slightly unrelated note, you should put service pack 3 on for XP and then reset the I/O tab in the settings back to default values.


    well one of the theory`s is that it might have something to do with PC RAM Memory or processor(when the user uses too much resources IMGBurn gets out of memory or something and destroys the DVD), because i can`t upgrade to SP3 since it will slow down the PC`s a lot, I/O tab is usually untouched, i`m trying to keep defaults as much as possible


    this is the command line i was using before this one (maybe i got something wrong in it?):


    Start "Construieste_ISO" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE BUILD /BUILDMODE IMAGEFILE /SRC "D:\ARHIVA\" /DEST "D:\Iso\arhiva.iso" /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.01" /VOLUMELABEL "Arhiva" /OVERWRITE YES /rootfolder yes /start /LOG "D:\Iso\iso.log" /close /noimagedetails


    Oh and as a PS: is there any possibility that the IMGBurn Log can be written in real time not at the end of operation? or a location to its temp file? because if you run the script from another user than the one logged you can`t see its state and sometimes IMGBurn happens to just hang and waiting for something and i can`t see whats the problem, would help A LOT


    Adding to LUK's suggestions...


    I 08:54:13 Destination Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H58N 1.01 (E:) (ATA)

    I 08:54:13 Destination Media Type: DVD-RW (Disc ID: MBI01RWG 20) (Speeds: 4x)

    Update your burner's firmware, as that ensures it knows how to handle your dodgy media.


    You could also try with Verbatim DVD+RW (notice it's plus RW) media, as with that type of media you can simply overwrite the disc, no need to erase first.


    the upgrade sounds good, but i doubth +RW will help me too much since the data burned has same names and usually Archives so it will have to erase the dvd anyway, problem is that for some clients works like a charm even if theyr PC`s specs are a lot under the ones i`m having problems with, thats why i have to try almost everything to get to a conclusion

  5. Yes.


    What's stopping you from using UDF?


    Do you get an error message? If so, what is it?



    well it seems that more and more of the customers i`m using the UDF build command script gets error message like the one from the log below... even if i change the DVD`s and stuff... still after a while they get the message or the quick erase doesn`t work at all... if i full erase the DVD the write works ok again but still only for a while, usually 2-3 weeks then again the error or the DVD becomes completely unusable, so my guess is, it has something to do with the building process, so i`m just gonna change it and see how it goes because we had some problems in the past using the old archiving tech with Cd Record as burner and UDF mode.


    I 08:53:16 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 08:53:16 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

    I 08:53:16 Total Physical Memory: 1.037.740 KB - Available: 637.700 KB

    I 08:53:16 Initialising SPTI...

    I 08:53:16 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 08:53:16 -> Drive 1 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H58N 1.01 (E:) (ATA)

    I 08:53:16 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

    I 08:53:21 Operation Started!

    I 08:53:21 Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H58N 1.01 (E:) (ATA)

    I 08:53:21 Media Type: DVD-RW (Disc ID: MBI01RWG 20) (Speeds: 4x)

    I 08:53:21 Quick Erase: Yes

    I 08:53:21 Erasing Disc...

    I 08:54:13 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:52

    I 08:54:13 Operation Started!

    I 08:54:13 Source File: d:\Iso\arhiva.iso

    I 08:54:13 Source File Sectors: 218.656 (MODE1/2048)

    I 08:54:13 Source File Size: 447.807.488 bytes

    I 08:54:13 Source File Volume Identifier: Arhiva

    I 08:54:13 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 3F22469300035610

    I 08:54:13 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.5.0

    I 08:54:13 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn

    I 08:54:13 Source File File System(s): UDF (2.01)

    I 08:54:13 Destination Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H58N 1.01 (E:) (ATA)

    I 08:54:13 Destination Media Type: DVD-RW (Disc ID: MBI01RWG 20) (Speeds: 4x)

    I 08:54:13 Destination Media Sectors: 2.297.888

    I 08:54:13 Write Mode: DVD

    I 08:54:13 Write Type: DAO

    I 08:54:13 Write Speed: 1x

    I 08:54:13 Link Size: Auto

    I 08:54:13 Lock Volume: Yes

    I 08:54:13 Test Mode: No

    I 08:54:13 OPC: No

    I 08:54:13 BURN-Proof: Enabled

    W 08:54:13 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 1.385 KB/s (1x), Got: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

    I 08:54:14 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

    I 08:54:15 Writing LeadIn...

    I 08:54:16 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 218655)

    I 08:54:16 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 218655)

    W 08:54:28 Failed to Write Sectors 30368 - 30399 - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (1 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (2 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (3 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (4 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (5 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (6 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (7 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (8 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (9 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (10 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (11 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (12 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (13 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (14 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (15 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (16 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (17 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (18 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (19 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 08:54:28 Retrying (20 of 20)...

    W 08:54:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    W 09:10:13 Retrying (21)...

    W 09:10:13 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    E 09:10:16 Failed to Write Sectors 30368 - 30399 - Reason: Invalid Address For Write

    E 09:10:16 Next Writable Address: 0

    I 09:10:16 Synchronising Cache...

    E 09:10:26 Failed to Write Image!

    I 09:10:30 Exporting Graph Data...

    I 09:10:30 Graph Data File: C:\Documents and Settings\fox1\Application Data\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVD-RAM_GSA-H58N_1.01_2-SEPTEMBRIE-2011_08-54_MBI01RWG_20_1x.ibg

    I 09:10:30 Export Successfully Completed!

    E 09:10:30 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:16:12

    I 09:10:30 Average Write Rate: 63 KB/s (0.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5.590 KB/s (4.0x)

    I 09:10:30 Close Request Acknowledged

    I 09:10:30 Closing Down...

    I 09:10:31 Shutting down SPTI...

    I 09:10:31 ImgBurn closed!

  6. I`m running an image build command line like this:


    Start "Construieste_ISO" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE BUILD /BUILDMODE IMAGEFILE /SRC "c:\ARHIVA\" /DEST "c:\Iso\arhiva.iso" /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + Joliet" /VOLUMELABEL "Arhiva" /OVERWRITE YES /rootfolder yes /start /LOG "c:\Iso\iso.log" /close /noimagedetails


    my question is:


    if i manually open ImgBurn, and go to mode Build, and from there select Advanced TAB-> Restrictions and for instance i check "Allow more than 8 directory Levels" and "Allow More Than 255 Characters..." and so on, when i will call the command line script will it preserve the checked settings i just did manually in ImgBurn Build Mode? because for some reason i can`t use the UDF when burning .iso

  7. You get a log if it burns or not.


    The log is just whatever's written in the Log window. Open and close the app and you'll see for yourself. There will always be the standard 10 or so lines if nothing else.


    Add the /LOG parameter to the command line to force it to write to a certain place. (check the readme.txt file)


    1. THE LOG IS CREATED AFTER THE BURN IS DONE if imgburn.exe process just hangs in the air nothing happens...cuz the burn is not finished so the writting log is not created


    2. I cannot see the window log since the aplication is running as a different user from scheduler, that means i can on only see the imgburn.exe in the process list from CTRL+ALT+DELETE thats all i can see since running an aplicantion from a different user than the one logged in from scheduled task auto hides the aplication u`re running...


    so how do i find out whats happening?

  8. If it doesn't, perhaps the return code or something in the log will give you a clue.


    how can i check the log? if it doesn`t finish the cd? the aplication runs as different user therefore i can`t see imgburn window, and since it doesn`t finish burning the cd there`s no log....does it have a some kind of temp log i can search for? if so can you tell me its location?... thx LUK!

  9. Hi all and thx LUK! for this great software


    i`ve made a 3 batch script combo: Main script that calls createiso.bat and writeiso.bet


    all works fine until i put the main scrit in scheduler to run as Administrator windows account or any other account thats different than the one i`m logged in...i can`t see anything since i can`t see the imgburn window in backroud...yet i`ve put imgburn to make logs after it does a task...creating iso works great...sometimes it closes the imgburn process too, but when it comes to the burning batch step...it launches the ImgBurn.exe and hust hangs on....doing nothing, not even loading my DVD/CD ( i can tell that by the noise and by no working led)....


    so i`ve studied better and realised that i can do all this things in 1 batch... heres my line:





    were`s the mistake cuz when i run it normali from cmd works good...when i put it on scheduler and run it from there as a different user than the one logged in same old story...imgbunr starts and just hangs in the air...



    you guys see something wrong in my command? cuz i tryed finding one for a lot of time

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