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Everything posted by CrashedAgain

  1. No, they are all definetly enabled.
  2. Just burnt a couple of SL .nrg images 1 with nero 1 with ImgBurn. Both burnt fine but ImgBurn didnt fill device buffer this time, but nero did though never went over 97%. Coul dthe problem be in teh way the programs are trying to read th ebuffer info from the drive?
  3. Thats all the demo allows you to capture and unfortunatly ive run out of disks now.
  4. Had a route around in microsoft support and managed to get Bus Hound installed. Did a burn a found that only got a read buffer cmd right at the start, must have hit scan several hundred times but never saw a read buffer during 1st, 2nd layer or change when buffer filled. Did get one right at start though and noticed something wierd, normally the buffer fills to 100% second layer but this tim eit only filled to 96% then appeared to get stuck, usually it goes up and down as teh nec adjusts the speed. then at the end it juet went straight to 0 normally it goes down in steps. Could have something to do with Bus Hound?? As normal 1st layer was good but 2nd was worst ive ever seen. Have inclujded all logs, etc in the zip. Hope theres something useful. Dont know if thsi adds anything but tried another burn with dvddecrypter and the the device buffer didn't fill during the 1st layer as with imgburn, but interestingly (or perhaps not i dont know) it didnt then fill for the 2nd layer but stayed empty. Results.zip
  5. Unfortunatly I dont have a 32bit copy of windows dohhhh!
  6. ImgBurn.zip Found It, I have just tried to install the trace programs but no lluck im afraid 1st one installs but doesnt appear to be x64 compatible an second one won't install. Hope the file helps.
  7. if you know a spti trace program that will work with xp64 i have a few disks left and am willing to give it a try.
  8. lol until these coasters that good one would have been what i called average for this media, i have at least 10 other disks as good if not better (my best has a score of about 95%). i did change the firmware but when it went bad i changed back but got the same results. the media was a box of 10 with cases and all thse scans came from the same box, though i am now leaning more to a bad batch of disks as the possible cause as its always the same layer thats bad. just checked svp. wow there cheap, ive vever bought verbaitem before as the cheapest ive been able to find them in teh uk is ?17 for a box of 5 but 10 for ?14 is great i paid 15 for these dud ones 6 of which are now being used as coasters. still no idea though why th ebuffer shows as empty for the first layer?, also just noticed the first layer seems to burn best but thsi is when the buffer is showing empty, and teh second layer is crap which is when everything loosk normal odddddd.?????
  9. These are th escans from a few burns ive done before and after the buffer problem. All burned on Nec 3550 and scanned with LiteOn 851s@832s. Before: Bad 1: Bad 2: (Best of the bad burns)
  10. Im moving away from the idea its to do with the ide drivers as it doesnt seem to be using them and returning to the old ones i had before this problem didn't make any difference, plus my burn times dl & sl are all normal. Unfortunatly im not sure what options that leaves me with as im pretty certain ive ruled everything else out. Ideas anyone?
  11. Went to roll back the ide channel drivers and it says its already using the Microsoft ones which seems a little odd unless it never installed the nvida ones, which it did for sata.
  12. Have tried going down a version to where it was before when it works and although the disc does appear a littl ebetter still get the same no device buffer information
  13. ---------------------------------------------------- Filter Driver Load Order http://www.bustrace.com ---------------------------------------------------- Upper Device Filter: redbook Device Object: LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-832S Lower Class Filter: AnyDVD Lower Device Filter: imapi Driver Name: redbook.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: Redbook Audio Filter Driver File Version: 5.2.3790.1830 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447) [5.2.3790.1830] Product Name: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System Product Version: 5.2.3790.1830 [5.2.3790.1830] Company Name: Microsoft Corporation Driver Name: anydvd.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: AnyDVD Filter Driver File Version: [] Product Name: AnyDVD Product Version: [] Company Name: SlySoft, Inc. Driver Name: imapi.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: IMAPI Kernel Driver File Version: 5.2.3790.1830 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447) [5.2.3790.1830] Product Name: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System Product Version: 5.2.3790.1830 [5.2.3790.1830] Company Name: Microsoft Corporation ---------------------------------------------------- Filter Driver Load Order http://www.bustrace.com ---------------------------------------------------- Upper Device Filter: redbook Device Object: _NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A Lower Class Filter: AnyDVD Lower Device Filter: imapi Driver Name: redbook.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: Redbook Audio Filter Driver File Version: 5.2.3790.1830 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447) [5.2.3790.1830] Product Name: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System Product Version: 5.2.3790.1830 [5.2.3790.1830] Company Name: Microsoft Corporation Driver Name: anydvd.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: AnyDVD Filter Driver File Version: [] Product Name: AnyDVD Product Version: [] Company Name: SlySoft, Inc. Driver Name: imapi.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: IMAPI Kernel Driver File Version: 5.2.3790.1830 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447) [5.2.3790.1830] Product Name: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System Product Version: 5.2.3790.1830 [5.2.3790.1830] Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  14. Firmware was my first thought but the odd thing is i get the exact same result with both drives the liteon and the Nec.
  15. Finished burn and as before device buffer stayed empty for first layer(layer 0) then filled and worked as expected for next layer. LOG:::: I 11:57:54 ImgBurn Version started! I 11:57:54 Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (5.2, Build 3790 : Service Pack 1) I 11:57:54 Initialising SPTI... I 11:57:54 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 11:58:04 Found 2 DVD?RWs! I 12:00:51 Operation Started! I 12:00:51 Source File: E:\DVD_VIDEO2.MDS I 12:00:51 Source File Sectors: 4,147,728 (MODE1/2048) I 12:00:51 Source File Size: 8,494,546,944 bytes I 12:00:51 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD_VIDEO I 12:00:51 Source File Application Identifier: DVD Studio Pro:4.0.2, DSPInterface:371, DVDAuthoring:350, DVDBase:371(Encoder: 483), Oxygene:409 I 12:00:51 Source File Implementation Identifier: Apple Computer, Inc. I 12:00:51 Source File UDF Revision: 1.02 I 12:00:51 Destination Device: [0:0:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A 1.06 (F:) (ATA) I 12:00:51 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x) I 12:00:51 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 12:00:51 Write Mode: DVD I 12:00:51 Write Type: DAO I 12:00:51 Write Speed: 2.4x I 12:00:51 Link Size: Auto I 12:00:51 Test Mode: No I 12:00:51 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 12:00:53 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,082,784 I 12:00:53 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc I 12:01:19 Filling Buffer... I 12:01:19 Writing LeadIn... I 12:01:21 Writing Image... I 12:01:21 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2082783) I 12:22:13 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2082784 - 4147727) I 12:43:24 Synchronising Cache... I 12:43:25 Closing Track... I 12:43:46 Finalising Disc... I 12:45:17 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:44:25 I 12:45:17 Average Write Rate: 3,289 KB/s (2.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3,543 KB/s (2.6x)
  16. Am burning another disc now, will post graph data when done in about an hour. Sorry, forgot to say they are Tuff Disc branded DVD+R DL disks i think they are ritek 02 or something like that, and i have always have good results( or disc's that worked at any rate) before.
  17. I have been using DVD Decrypter and ImgBurn together now for awhile with DL disks and been getting excellent results, but recently i started to get odd results. When starting the burn the log is all normal and says filling buffers etc buffer under-run enabled etc, all good. When starting the first layer though the main buffer filles to 100% but the device buffer stays empty, at the layer break when burning pauses the device buffer fills to 100% and burns on ok. Unfortunatly when i scan the discs with nero cd speed the first half of the disc is excellent but the 2nd half is really bad very high PI/PIF. At first i thought it may be my burner as i had recently done a firmware upgrade, but i ruled this out as it did it with the previous firmware and my other burner (burner 1: LiteOn 851s@832s, burner 2: Nec ND-3550A) i have tried reinstalling imgburn, reinstalling windows and i still get the same problem. The only thing i can think is i think i may have upgraded my mainboard drives between this happening but i cant remember (there was about a 4 week gap between last good burn and finding it had gone bad.) I have a nforce 4 amd motherboard and was wandering if the newer nvidia ide drivers could cause this? I have all ready wasted about ?6 worth of DL disks trying to fogure this out and dont want to waste any more if this cant possibly be connected. PS DVD+-R single layer work fine still. So my big question could new nforce ide drivers do this? Any help/comments much appreciated. Cheers
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