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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I changed to the other usb drive that I had on my desktop and it burned the DVD fast and successfully. Thank you for the suggestion.
  2. Yesterday I attempted to burn a single layer verbatim DVD. However, the DVD unsuccessfully didn't burn. I'm sending the imgBurn log as an attachment. Can someone read it and explain what I need to do to fix it? Thank you. ImgBurn.log
  3. I have a HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSCO ATA device. My driver seems to be up to date. I have an Asus desktop. I'm not sure what brand the DVDRAM is? Can you help me find the firmware? I'm sure what you mean about write mode, right click on the target drive and choose the firmware update option near the bottom of the context menu that appears. Second: replace the drive. It's either dead/dying or its firmware needs updating. If there's no firmware update, there's no need to use that drive. Can you be more specific please? When I did the burn, it gave me some Miscompare I pressed continue. When that comes up is that a problem? Thank you
  4. Burning DVD Verbatim AZO DL Stops at 51%. I had stop burn when I tested the DVD it burned unsuccessfully but when I click on 1 of the sub menus it is delayed but still plays. What I'm I doing wrong. I'm sending the log as an attachment. Thank you. ImgBurn.log
  5. Ok I'm sorry about sending the wrong LOG. I was yesterday's log didn't see 7/12/23 but here is today's log on the error. As far as the write speed. Should I go slower like 2.4? Thank you ImgBurn.log
  6. I'm trying burn VIDEO_TS folder with imgburn however I received an error message. I believe the zeros are actually the letters O because there isn't a / line in between them. Probably doesn't mean anything to you. Is it the same issue with the single layer disc. I have some old home movies that need to burn to DL. Does it matter the Write speed I was at AWS (MAX)? Should I go slower 2.4 which is what is on thr verbatim disc? See log. Using Verbatim DVD+R DL 8.5 2.4 x 240 I/O Error! Device: (1:1:0)HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSCO LK00 [D:] [ATA] ScsiStatus 0x02 Interpretation Check condition CDB 2A OO OO OO OO OO OO 2O OO Interpretation Write (10) - Sectors 0 -31 Sense Area 71 OO O3 OO OO OO OO OA OO OO OO OO OO 73 03 OO OO OO OO SK Interpretation Medium Error ASC/ASCQ Interpretation: Power Calibration Area Error ImgBurn.log
  7. Ok so its just the DVD that is cheap. Verbatim Life Series junk DVD's Which ones should I get the DataLife Plus or AZO series? I also read that the 'TYG02' - Taiyo Yuden 8x DVD-R Media were really good. Should I buy those? Just want to make sure I will burn correctly using imgburn and play on a DVD Player. Thank you for helping me.
  8. I'm trying burn VIDEO_TS folder with imgburn however I received an error message. Miscompare st LBA: 2080, Offset 2, File: \VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.VOB Device 0x00 image File: 0x01 Total Errors in Sector 1,950 would you like to continue verifying the remainder of the disc? Using single layer verbatim DVD 16X. I tried write speed in 2.4x then in 16x but then that's when I received the error message above. How can I fix this? See imgburn as attachment Than you ImgBurn.log
  9. I uninstalled old ver of IMGBURN to 2560 This time it wrote 100% and only 49% burned to DVD and it gave me error msg see log Do you really think its the CD drive on my compter? I was able to play movie on my DVR Magnavox player but it gives me error on my Sony Ble ray Any suggestions Thank you ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Wednesday, 29 August 2012, 14:55:52 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 14:55:46 ImgBurn Version started! I 14:55:46 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1) I 14:55:46 Total Physical Memory: 3,077,896 KB - Available: 882,124 KB I 14:55:46 Initialising SPTI... I 14:55:46 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 14:55:49 Close Request Acknowledged I 14:55:49 Closing Down... I 14:55:50 -> Drive 1 - Info: TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-H653B D400 (D:) (Fibre) I 14:55:50 Found 1 DVD±RW! I 14:55:52 Shutting down SPTI... I 14:55:52 ImgBurn closed!
  10. I created a TS Folder In PInnacle Studio 14 now I'm trying to burn it to a Vertbuim DL8.5DVD But it keeps giving me I./O error msg I attached some screen sot If any can tell me what I doing wrong and what I need to do to correct it Thank you ImgBurn.log
  11. Hi Cindy Thank you for getting back to me. I first used pinnacle studio 14 to code my home videos. Last Summers I coded my Sister wedding then I used the option build and device and was able to burn to a double layer Verbatim DVD successfully. For what ever reason I tried to do the same with the smaller home videos with build device options but would not play on DVD player. I then used built, image option and then express burn would burn to DVD and it finally played on DVD player However, the other home videos like the log I sent you I was not able to calculate and therefor would not burn. Can you give step by step instructions in what I need to do. I even tried a double layer verbatim disc and the same problem occurs. If the home movie does not fit in a sinle DVD should it not fit in a Dual layer. Is that the problem I don't think it is I'm stuck Help please
  12. Sure here is the log ImgBurn.log
  13. I was able to use the guide to create a ISO file and burn to the DVD ad it played in my DVD player. However when I try to do the same with other smaller movies from my Digital camcorder it's not calculating the ISO file. I tried Verbatim but it does the same thing. Help see attachment http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1778
  14. I was able to use the guide to create a ISO file and burn to the DVD ad it played in my DVD player/ However when I try to do the same with other smaller movies from my Digital camcorder it's not calculation the ISO file. I tried Verbatim but it does the same thing. Help see attachment http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1778
  15. I tried DVD flick but it looks like it does not support HD files. I have i small home movie that I filmed with a HD camcord sony Digital HD Video Camera Recorder Does DVD Flick support it. I cannot upload oringnal to dVD flick Ia there a guide, If dVD FLICK DOES NOT WORK IS THERE ANOTHER PROGRAM YOU CAN RECOM END tHANKS AGAIN
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