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Everything posted by flywelder

  1. I would like to see an update soon that would allow me to delete a file when image burn is creating a image tree, thus allowing me to remove it and allowing the continuing of building the tree. Or the option to have imgburn skip or replace the file with the new one. Right now I cannot burn the images to a dick because imgburn has found a file it does not like and is telling me this: cannot add the file because a file with that name already exits. I am unable to locate the bad file while choosing folders so I cannot remove it. I am guessing that most likely there are two copies of the file one each in a different folder, and both folders have been picked to be burned to disc. Need this so option so that I can work fast and get these files and folders burned to dick for backing up purposes. Please implement a correction / fix for this in a update soon. It will be much appreciated, thank you! 9-2010
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