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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Excellent, thank you
  2. Hi, I don't know if this is something even doable. But if it is, could you please consider offering a pause button during disk ripping to ISO. My reason for asking is sometimes during ripping I get retry errors, then after 20 read attempts it says do you want to retry for another 20 goes, or continue with an error in that section. Which normally just means it goes for another 20 at the next part, and another 20 until I get sick and cancel the rip entirely. What I would rather have is a pause button so I can eject the disk from the drive, give it a clean, put it back in and restart from where I left off and not have to restart the entire rip again. At the moment however when I try to eject the disk it just does not let me until I cancel the entire rip.
  3. Hi, I am hoping this would be a simple feature to request, but would it be possible to add the ability for Imgburn to say which layer on a Dual Layer DVD is currently being burnt to during a dual layer DVD burn. My reason for asking is that from what I have read most burn errors occur during the switch over from first to second layers. And therefore I am waiting to see if the burn goes all right during the switch over. However as it takes ~50 minutes to burn a disk I am never certain which layer I am currently on. Thanks Anthony
  4. I have just downloaded Imgburn 2.0. And I have a very quick question. I have done a forum search but cant seem to find the answer to this. But could I enquire how exactly does imgburn verify the disk after burn is completed. For example it do what Nero CD/DVD speed's error checking feature does and look for PI-Errors above 280 to deem a coaster or does it do something completely different. Or does it make a MD5 checksum calculation of the original image and compare this to a MD5 checksum calculation of the burned disk (if i have understood MD5 checksum comparisons correctly, i would really love this feature to be included to imgburn if it does not currently offer this). But i am just curious as to what exaclty it means if an burned image verifies Ok. Does this mean it is a perfect faultess burn and therefore doing a burn error scan in Nero CD/DVD speed to check for PIF's and PIE's is not neccissary. Thanks Anthony
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