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    Virginia, USA

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  1. DVD Decrypter has the ability to copy a DVD to a Folder as one of the 'write' modes. Actually, it is the first mode listed (technically speaking, it is listed as 'File'). It writes multiple files to a defined folder. As far as I can tell, from reading the Features forum post, and every forum post on Support and Suggestions, this feature has NOT been implemented in ImgBurn. It it is there, and I have simply failed to uncover it, then I will gladly be shown a fool, if you would point out to me where I missed such an obvious feature. If ImgBurn didn't include the tease about being a replacement for DVD Decrypter (and if DVD Decrypter was still being maintained), I would not raise the question in this forum and I would simply continue merrily on using DVD Decrypter. But ... given that neither of the above conditions are true, and the fact that ImgBurn seems to be the closest thing around that suggests itself as a successor to DVD Decrypter, I appeal to you to add/restore this feature. If I just need the files, why not just copy the DVD to using MS Explorer? Ahh, that is the rub. DVD Decrypter did a couple of things that MS Explorer will not do. One, it will clean up certain flaws in the the files, during the copy. Two, even if it doesn't do that, it will copy files that MS Explorer will not. Once the files are in place on my hard-drive, I have several options for completing the cleansing, as it were. Given the program name, I understand that this may be outside of the scope. But if this feature could be restored, I for one, would be most grateful. -- A. Rick
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