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  1. Yes i've checked the physical information and it is DVD+R DL not DVD ROM. I am going to get him to buy the Verbatim disc, as i have burned Dual Layered disc in the past and they all work fine and booktyped to dvd-rom so there's nothing wrong with my burner.
  2. I have tested this on two drives, the first being an ASUS DRW-2014L1t and a Pioneer DVR-216 Both drives have the latest firmware. I'm trying to burn 7gb ISO onto dual layered disk. They are of Ritek brand (yeah i know they're shit but my friend wouldn't listen to me and decided to get the cheaper ones instead of verbatim). On the ASUS DRW-2014L1t burner it burns fine but the end result is a dvd+r DL without the dvd-rom booktype. I have tried booktype device menu but none of the settings work. Please tell me there's a way to set booktype. Is there any other programs that can force booktype? When i burn it on the Pioneer DVR-216 it gets stucked at 15% or 30% etc..is this a hardware problem or a software problem? I have wasted 3 disc already.. Also how to i set layer break?
  3. Na i've only got one drive. Daemon Tool is disabled. I get the same problem when i burn DVD-R Speed was set to 2x when i used the Verbatim DL. Cheers
  4. Heres the log
  5. Dida test lol it didnt copy the folder..and nero has this feature where it automatically creates an iso from the disc, ejects the disc and burns the iso to my other burner..why cant imgburn have this feature? (and yes iso is deleted upon successful burn). I tried copyign with imgburn except it doesnt copy the folder properly..only whats in the folder
  6. lol so you cahnge the folder name and add the avi files and you load it and it copies everything in that folder?
  7. Well iam looking through the guide and cant find it. Iam talking about like putting the avi files (xvid) onto the disc as data file so i can watch it on my dvd player (it supports xvid). Also with the latest version fo nero (7.5) iam having throuble booktype as theres no option for it did they remove it or something and it seems the program wont recognize my Tayio YUden disc.
  8. How??
  9. Hey guys iam getting a comp at the end of next year how do i find whats hot and what isnt.
  10. I've been backing up my avi files on dvd and i use nero express for the burn data dvd onto a disc thingy to burn it. Now i was wondering if Imgburn also has this feature or not as i think it is a lot better at burning.
  11. Take your time...
  12. lol no need to double post Just read the articles on ninemsn..it looks like he wont get a state funeral but i can understand that his family would like less media harassing em and more privacy.
  13. Does anyone know where to buy em? I dont know which company produce the best RW ones..like for DVD disc Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim are on the top. I have the Sony ones..quality is decent but would prepher better quality and faster speed .DVD-R or DVD+R doesnt mind..i can booktype both. Also does anyone know i f i should buy a Benq 1655DW it seems to be al lsold out and the latest online store got 5 and jacked up the price by about..$10+ to $129.
  14. Anyone? FAQ?
  15. Yes i have that
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