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Everything posted by pgoelz

  1. If you read the original post you would see that I was trying to provide some feedback re: something I felt was confusing about your web site and the download process. The number and placement of the Google ad blocks in your page and many/most of the mirrors and the similarity of the resulting ads to your software made things very confusing. It was meant as FEEDBACK, not "moaning". The intent was to perhaps help make the download process less confusing. Sorry I bothered you. I am your customer/user whether or not I pay for your freely offered software. If not for users like me, why do you write it and make it available? Yes, you are doing ME the favour. Should that prevent me from posting this thread? If so, sorry I bothered you. It was meant as constructive criticism. I was not complaining about your software (I LIKE your software and consider it excellent). I was "complaining" (if you will) about the process of downloading it. I'm truly sorry I started this thread.... the original intent seems to have gotten completely lost. I won't do it again, I promise. Best regards, Paul
  2. I'm sorry.... I truly like your software but I take offence at that attitude. I was just trying to point out that your download process is far more confusing than it needs to be. That response makes me feel like I stumbled into a good old boys club and disturbed the locals. If that was indeed the intent, I won't bother you again. If not, you might want to re-consider how you treat newcomers. We are, after all, customers. Paul
  3. If your web site works for you, that is great. It didn't work well for me. Do you REALLY want to pose an intelligence test for those of us who find your software attractive? Sorry I bothered you all. FWIW, this is the third attempt at a reply. Haven't seen the other two yet. I'm either being moderated or there is a serious cache issue somewhere. Paul
  4. Ok, I'm sorry that my first post here is to complain, but I have always believed that if I don't speak out on something that is broken it will never get fixed. I just spent a very frustrating 10+ minutes trying to figure out how to download the most recent version of ImgBurn from the official web site. With all the ads and cr*p on the official web site, I found it near impossible to figure out which of the dozens of DOWNLOAD NOW buttons actually referred to Image Burn. I finally found it but I can 100% guarantee that many people will end up downloading something they didn't intend and wondering why they didn't get Image Burn. Or, given the similarity between Image Burn and some of the ads on the site, maybe never realizing they didn't get what they thought they were getting. Yes, I know why the ads are there. But while I fully understand the need for income, I think the Image Burn site is beyond broken. I was literally seconds away from giving up and keeping the older version I already have. And I can state that I will think twice before I upgrade again. I am a computer literate engineer, not a newbie. But all that buys me here is the ability to know that I need to be cautious. Sorry, Paul
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