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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Hi, thanks for the support, but unfortunately, I am still facing the same problems. Mainwhile, I've updated the drivers and checked everything as mentioned in the earlier post. Checking the log file, it looks that the burn itself is succesfull, but the errors come in the verify stage. I've included the logfile. Thanks, Walter ImgBurn.log
  2. Hi, Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I don't think this is the case. First of all, DVD's burn at 16x and DL at 2.4x speed, using Memorex and Verbatim disks. I checked all settings to be sure, but DMA is on. Furthermore, it burns CD's without any problems, this only occurs with DVD's, both single and dual layer. Walter
  3. Hi all, Allthough burning a DVD from an image file looks ok, when ImgBurn starts to verify I get a lot of "Logical Unit Communication CRC error (ULTRA-DMA/32). I've enclosed the screen messagebox. Any ideas ? Thanks ! Walter
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