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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. So you mean even if it is not visible in the GUI, the switches are activated? That's great! Thanks LIGHTNING UK!
  2. Hi everyone! I am using ImgBurn v2.5.5.0 and v2.5.2.0 (still not updated on this computer) on Windows 7 64-bit and I have a problem with command line switches. Everything work as expected except those two switches /VERIFY and /LAYERBREAK. Here is my command line (I removed all the others switches which work): ImgBurn /MODE WRITE /SRC "MyISO.iso" /VERIFY YES /LAYERBREAK 1913760 ImgBurn should normally sets "verify on" but it does nothing (Same thing for build mode). It should also changes the settings under Write/Options/Layer Break(For DL Media) from Calculate Optimal to User Specified -> Sectors in L0=1913760 But it does nothing, the settings remain on Calculate Optimal So here is my question, does my command line is correct? Hope someone will point my mistake
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