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Everything posted by coyote

  1. For years, before FLAC took it's place, SHN was the dominant audio compression format. IIRC that was sometime before the SHN codec's last update 7 years ago per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shorten_%28file_format%29 which also notes that "Shorten is still in use by some people because there are legally traded concert recordings in circulation that are encoded as Shorten files." (Particularly as conversion to FLAC is sometimes considered an additional generation, perhaps validly if not checksum verified; a SHN file's ST5 fingerprint before a good conversion will = a FLAC file's FFP fingerprint.) So nobody much needs to create SHN anymore (FLAC is better), we just need to burn them to audio CDR when we encounter an old fileset still circulation. I used to create SHN files with a program called mkwACT. I thought Imgburn might have a plugin or something to support SHN. If not I'll continue to take the common approach of using Trader's Little Helper to convert SHN to WAV for burning.
  2. Is there a way to burn audio CDRs directly from SHN files? (I know how to do so from FLAC files via creating CUE files.)
  3. Thank you very much for the reply, and for the great software. I already read that link before posting, but I've used this brand successfully for many years with these burners (and with Imgburn). I think that link is correct in identifying the issue is disc-related, though, because I opened a new spindle and just burned 4 discs in a row successfully. So I think I just hit a bad spindle.
  4. Both my burners (at least on DL DVDs) on both my computers are failing 3 out of 4 times with "L-EC Uncorrectable Error" while verifying. Log attached. This started rather recently; I'm using a brand (Memorex DVD+R DL) I've used for years; I wonder if I hit a lame spindle of discs. Now I've opened another spindle; I'll report results ASAP. ImgBurn.log
  5. True. (But not very often, not often enough to make either clicking No or waiting 30 seconds worth it, hence I appreciate the "Don't Prompt Volume Label" setting!)
  6. It uses foldername. But I see the "Don't Prompt Volume Label" | "Answer No" option does give me "blank" as I hoped. What a great program! (Most settings I've ever seen.)
  7. Is there a way to set default Volume Label = filename, or alternately to blank?
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