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  1. Yes, this seems to be the case. I just tried to burn again at max speed (which was all over the place from 2.4x to 6x) and while it verified fine I think I won't bother burning with the laptop drive anymore. I also got this error I'll try searching for a new firmware one more time and otherwise I'll buy a USB external drive. Thanks for the help again everyone.
  2. I've updated ImgBurn, however I've been looking high and low for the FW of this drive and can't find it (not on the company page either), are you guys hinting that the FW is bad and needs to be updated or is it a general suggestion? Thanks
  3. Thanks mates, I'm reluctant to experiment so I'll try some other dvds first to see if it's the drive. But isn't this supposed to be the best media? I've tried worse before and it all worked at 2.4x speed, so should I burn the media in another PC?
  4. Hi folks! I'm a little mad, and a whole lot of sad because I wasted a DL DVD. It was bought because someone recommended it as the best type to me and it was very expensive so before I go waste another one I hope you fine people could help me out here. I've burned DL discs before at 2.4x, never had any trouble then, only now that I used Verbatim it's given me an error for the first time. I used Arita discs before that which always worked Any ideas? Hope anyone can help here
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