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Everything posted by dAVE52

  1. ah, bummer...thank you
  2. greetings....my first post to forum please forgive if incorrect... really like imgburn for flac file burning...is there a way to normalize/equalize audio files/volume of different files burned to a cd so one does not have to constantly adjust playback volume?... any thoughts/help would be greatly appreciated... thank you...long live imgburn
  3. thank you for the reply...had googled, read all of the faqs, been reading the forum for a month or so, that's why i asked here...sorry to have bothered you....thank hou again...
  4. have 1 movie that's been broken into 2 iso's...can i use imgburn to burn both to 1 disk and play as a single movie...have read all of the faqs/forums/guides, cannot find reference to problem....hope am not bothering...thank you for any help and info...
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