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Primera error: ====== I/O Error! Device: [0:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L 9.00 (G:) (USB) ScsiStatus: 0x02 Interpretation: Check Condition CDB: 28 00 00 1C 67 6B 00 00 01 00 Interpretation: Read (10) - Sector: 1861483 Sense Area: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 Interpretation: No Seek Complete ====== Got this twice this morning. The Abort on Error box is checked. Have setup AutoHotkey to monitor and press [Cancel] when it comes up again. Haven't gotten a Read error on the Primera in the last 100-150 DVDs read with Imgburn. Maybe that's more of a Nimbie problem.
I'm using ImgBurn, and the Auto Abort on Error checkbox is checked on both the Nimbie and the Primera.
The results in the last 24 hours are that the Nimbie had all the same errors. I manually clicked through the error for the first 10, then put it on AutoHotkey. Here's the error: ====== I/O Error! Device: [0:0:0] Optiarc DVD RW AD-7241S 1.03 (I:) (USB) ScsiStatus: 0x02 Interpreation: Check Condition CDB: <changed with each error> Interpretation: Read (10) - Sector: <changed with each error> Sense Area: <changed with each error> Interpretation: Unrecovered Read Error ====== The Primera had a few problems picking multiple disks, then getting confused when I got rid of the extra disk. It also thought the black and color cartridges needed reinsertion, so I popped them out and reinserted the firmly. It's been running for 3 hours without an error. AutoHotkey is not running on that box in order to catch any I/O errors that happen. The drives on the Primera are both: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L 9.00 (G:) (USB) ... One is G: and the other is H: BTW, on the Primera once I've specified which is upper and which is lower, how can I change that? I don't seem to be able to get it to work correctly using the upper drive and I'd like to restate which is upper and which is lower, paying better attention to what I'm doing - and then specify using the upper drive in ImgBurn again to see if it will correctly use the upper drive. It seemed to get confused by putting a disk in the upper drive, then telling me the drive was empty, i.e. blank disk, a couple of times until I rebooted and cycled power on the Primera.
Not sure which error is happening, I'll have to check. Seems like the Primera was rejecting 1 or 2 discs in the last 24 hours w/o stopping for an error. So there was definitely some checkbox I set that allowed this to happen? However, the Primera eventually hung with an error - which I'm pretty sure said I/O error at the top. This was before I started running AutoHotkey on the Primera. When I implemented the same type of AutoHotkey fix on it that's been running for a couple of days on the Nimbie, the Primera/ImgBurn box hasn't stopped for manual intervention recently(other than running out of DVDs whilst I was asleep). I'll stop ImgBurn on both the Nimbie and the Primera, turn off AutoHotkey, and make note of the exact errors that seem to stop ImgBurn. I'm thinking they're either 1) read, 2) seek, or 3) multi-track errors. I'll check also that ImgBurn settings are identical for both PCs, with the exception of the Autoloader type selected. Will upload tomorrow whatever "errors" require manual clicking. Should be easy to do as I've now at least 100 "faulty" DVDs from 10 stacks of 100 DVDs. They should represent a fair collection of error types. One thing is for sure evident - the Primera is more forgiving than the Nimbie when it comes to errors on the data DVDs. I'm getting about 5-10 rejected DVDs per 100 on the Nimbie, and only 2-5 per 100 on the Primera.
The current version of ImgBurn does not handle read errors without manual intervention, when copying from DVDs to the hard drive into ISO files. It will need an air-breather to press the Cancel button, at which point it will reject the disc and get on with reading the remaining discs in the stack (i.e. when using an autoloader). To get around this I have started using a short script with AutoHotkey (free app to write key/mouse macros). It simply left-clicks the area on the screen where the Cancel button will appear, and does so every 10 seconds or so. A more elegant script would be better, but since this is a dedicated PC it really doesn't matter. So far, of the last 200 DVDs read into ISOs on my Nimbie connected to a PC running Win7 - there have been ~20 "bad" DVDs. Each of them was successfully and automatically bypassed using the AutoHotkey/ImgBurn combination.
<clip> Anyway, look in Tools -> Settings -> Read tab, pages 1 and 2, e.g. lowering the number of Software Retries and enabling the Ignore Read Errors option. As for deleting the incomplete ISO image, the option is Delete Incomplete Files in the Events tab: set to Yes and incomplete images will always be deleted. <clip> Thanks for your recommendations. They almost took care of the problem. The Delete Incomplete Files worked a charm, making that manual intervention unnecessary. I had already lowered the Software Retried down to 10 but lowered it further ito 1 then to 0. It seems to make no difference. Once there's a soft read error it rarely goes away by more reads. Just takes a bit less time while sitting and spinning. Telling the app to Ignore Read Errors means it still equentially reads all sectors. Since my errors seem to involve many sectors of a file, i.e. thousands, the resulting cumulative read speed is less than 0.1X when I finally cancelled a read after eating lunch. I guess I'm looking for a modification to the SW to just skip to the next file rather than continue reading sequential sectors... But that would require ugly program logic to handle, since the ISO image is basically a read the disk from beginning to end procedure. Although, I would hazard a guess that most all DVDs have no file fragmentation, therefore the next file would tend to always be a straight-ahead jump of X sectors. Then again, if the backup DVD was made from a fragmented drive already I'm not sure how the files are actually laid down on the disk... Anyway, thanks for the help!
I'm using a Nimbie and soon simultaneously a Primera to read a multitude of data DVDs into multiple hard drive arrays. After getting irritated at the error rate reading DVDS, and having to be at the ImgBurn PC to force it to contine, I've found a monitoring method that seems to overcome ImgBurn's lack of fully automatic reading of discs. I've been using a combination of TightVNC on the PC connected to the Nimbie, and Mocha VNC as an app on my iPad, to monitor the PC running ImgBurn. Using this method I don't have to go upstairs or whatever to check if I have to Cancel a DVD read due to a seek or read error (and soon thereafter also tell it to delete the current ISO file). Instead I check every half hour or so from the couch while watching a football game (Go Pack!). If it's stuck, I just press the appropriate onscreen ImgBurn buttons via my VNC app on the iPad windowing into the ImgBurn PC. Just figured this out earlier today, and am excited to start using it to monitor two PCs running ImgBurn while getting work/fun done on another PC or iPad. If anybody knows of a way to setup ImgBurn to automatically handle and bypass errors reading DVDs on its own - please let me know.
I'm trying to restore backups from a multitude of data DVDs made over the last 5 years. Using a recently purchased Nimbie with QQBoxx Pro software on a freshly installed Win7 box is producing execrable results. System stops every 4-5 disks, typically w/o meaningful errors. Using Imgburn with Nimbie gives much more robust error messages, yet will still stop too often due to read or seek errors on DVDs being read back. Yet the same DVDs read w/o errors on 3 other PCs of varying vintages. I would prefer not to use the extra step of unRARing the ISO images, but since QQBoxx Pro is so fragile accept that as a necessity. I will be installing Imgburn on a Vista box to drive my Primera BravoPro today and seeing if results are better. I'm very impressed by the robustness of the ImgBurn interface and very explanative logging. Request #1: Can support be added for the Epson DiscProducer PP-100 in the future? I own one of those as well, and have thousands of data DVDs to read back into hard drive arrays. That would double or triple my DVD read rate. Request #2: Can error-handling/ignoring be expanded in the auto-read function? Specifically, when ImgBurn hits a read or seek error, an error appears that requires manual intervention to Cancel, and then to Delete the ISO file it was trying to create. Since I'll have to manually handle all the rejected DVDs at the end of a run anyway - it would be MUCH easier if I could let the system run overnight and trust ImgBurn to skip all DVDs that have read or seek errors, i.e. auto-cancel the ISO creation in a completely unattended manner. I realize that out of 100 DVDs there will be 2-3 that may have a bad file. This would just allow the read-a-stack-of-100 process to continue unabated overnight. Request #3: Somebody else mentioned the possibility of creating a blank all 0's sector to replace a read-error sector. I would like to just skip the file and continue with the next file after N read errors. I don't think doing the same thing for a seek error would work, as it can't figure out where the file continues or the next file is located - but I don't know if that's true. Thanks!