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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Ah, ok, thanks
  2. I understand. I have a related question just to save me some time : does Imgburn read and write subchannel data accurately from CD ? (I also have some old securom games) Assuming the drive doesn't mess it up of course.
  3. I created this thread in the ImgBurn Suggestions section because I want to see ImgBurn improved and full-featured. I'm not asking for help
  4. The main problem I have with Imgburn is when I try to backup some of my old scratched media or old safedisc games. It takes ages, even after setting all retries to 0. I have to constantly try to copy folders and files one by one ... Can you please introduce some kind of "intelligent error skip" like in other programs ? So after an error it can skip ahead a configurable number of sectors until it reaches the end of the "bad blocks region". Or maybe some method to skip ECC checking ? Considering the wealth of options, I'm confident that you'll add this EDIT: Or allow the user to set a region of sectors to be ignored (skipped and replaced with dummy bad sectors in the image)
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