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    La La Land

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ISF Newbie

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  1. Hi, I have a number of questions please. I build a burning home server with 3 LiteOn burners its Win7 x64Bit / RAM 8GB (has no background apps, nothing its freshly installed with drivers and ImgBurn, using Microsoft antivirus with excluded ISO files, HDDS with ISO's and ImgBurn.exe) 1. at max I run x3 instances of ImgBurn and burn on 3 DVD drives, I have an Athlon Dual-Core 4050E 2.1Ghz Low Power CPU on my old gaming mobo Gigabyte GA-MA790X-UD3P Is it recommended to get a better CPU? I was looking at Athlon Dual-Core 5600+ 2.8Ghz for 32$ or Phenom 8650 Tripple-Core 2.1Ghz for 40$ 2. I have x5 1.T SATA 2 drives of same model (not raid, just AHCI), I did some write checking using Speed Commander and coping 8Gb file, i get about 90MB write speed on average. So actual read speeds should be a bit higher, in theory this speed should be more then enough to burn 2 ISO files simultaneously from same HDD drive. But nope, the Soft buffer depletes and then pauses the burn. Even when it verifies from same HDD, the verify can go down to x0.3 speed on one and x2 on another, regular verify speed is around X7 for DL media Will higher Disk Queue setting solve this issue? 3. many people recommend IDE mode instead of AHCI for burners, AMD mobos can turn port 4/5 to IDE while keeping the rest as AHCI. So i changed my 2 main burners to IDE, but the Hard Buffer is all over the place, on AHCI it was always at 100-99% never moving. in IDE mode, its jumps like crazy usually it jumps between 50% to 100% but sometimes goes down, its all momentary but i see the burning speed decrease at this moments, not by much like 300K or so 4. Last question, is it worse to use larger soft buffer value then the default? Can it affect the disk quality of tested with Kprobe or compatible? Is beneficial in any way to create a small (say 512Mb) RAMdrive just for the imgburn program? Do i need a SWAP file for imgburn? Because I disabled it, 8Gb of ram is more then enough especially if I dont run anything else on the system also I installed 8GB fast ready boost drive Many Thanks
  2. Thank you and I found a bug In settings you have 2 options to choose: Overburn and Truncate even if I select Truncate, pres OK, close the program and re-open the setting shows Overburn Tested on 2 PC's
  3. Anyway to Disable it?
  4. Hi, Please add an option to Auto Truncate ISO files. When im burning 15-20 images and in the middle of them some ask me if i want to truncate and i need to press Ok, sometimes I forget about it and the image wont be burned for hours Especially when I use more then one DVD drive, and I burn on a different PC connected with remote connection Can you please add a small option to Auto-truncate next image or Auto-truncate always Or maybe just let it Auto-Choose the one I selected from Configuration settings menu Many Thanks
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