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  1. OK. Thank you for your reply, I don't know if any of my driver are good, or the computer itself (operative system) I just know that I always use a good media, but still I didn't make any readable navigator DVD. Thaks again for your quick reply
  2. If that log isn't current (it does say November 2011), please post the correct one. You should also read this - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000 Sorry, the log file is the old one, the asus have replaced the lite-on, anyway the same problem I have with the LG, even that one can't write less than 4x, and yes I read already the suggestion for the DL, but nothing that I didn't know allready, cause I am using verbatim DVD+R DL(the "MKM-001-00" and the "MKM-003-00" and DVD-R dl I did even try with the TDK+R, but no way, following in other forum the discussions about how to make such a DVD, it seems that all the people who made it did it with very low speed such as 1x; 2x; 2,4x, maybe on old driver. Sorry again for the wrong log file, but trust me now I have even asus above mentioned and I tried anyway on the old lite-on I have disassembled (maybe the lite-on didn't have the best firmware). PLEASE I NEED SUGGESTIONS.
  3. I would like to know how to write a media with speed 1x or 2x since i realized that the dvd dl I am trying to make Has been done with a very low speed on old drive. I have an ASUS DRW-22B2L and when I use a verbatim +R 8x the minimum speed allowed is 4, in the end the dvd doesn't work on my navigator system. I did install the last firmware 1.02? do I have to change again the DVD writer? Thanks log-for-nav.txt
  4. The bits in bold are the speeds your drive/firmware support the 'RICOHJPN-D01-67' dye at. Supported write speeds are always shown in the disc info panel on the right when there's a disc in the drive. 2.4x is the lowest speed the DVD+ (plus) format ever supported so 1x wouldn't really be an option on *any* drive. You should update the firmware on your drive to SB02. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Samsung/SH-S203N/files.html I am having the same trouble with ASUS DRW-22B2L and I wasted a lot od DVD+R DL cause I can't write them with speed less than 4 do you think it will be possible write slowly. Here my log Thank you in advance log-for-nav.txt
  5. Hi I am a new comer Thanks to all of you cause I know I am gonna ask a lot of stupid questions.

  6. Thank for your reply and sorry to disturb you. For lightning uk I try to burn a navigation disk on verbatim 8xDVD+R DL that you have described as the best with imgburm with the lower speed 4x and I wasted it cause the result is a DVD+R and not a DVD-rom so my navigator doesn't read it. Maybe I didn't understand what you mean by saying the ASUS set the DVD+R automatically and no need to change the booktype. Can you please help me.
  7. this is the log for the last try with the navigation disk I did it with old LITE-ON that now I have disassembled log-for-nav.txt
  8. Thanks But I have been told that only DVD-R are set as DVD-ROM ad the +R have to be set manually as I did on the LG anyway I am having problem to burn an ISO file the DVD is not functioning on my car navigator system even the computer read it normally. Last year for the 2010 version I did it with the Verbatim 8xDVD-R DL now I can't find anymore this media support, only 4x and it doesn't work so I tried with +R TDK and Verbatim. I have been told from the navigators forum that this Disk is hard to make it someone did it with TDK 8x DVD+R DL and someone did it with the verbatim 8x DVD-R DL I have found only the TDK +R or the Verbatim +R. I think I have even problem from the beginning cause on the log file I have already a message with the start of the imgburm. See The file. >ImgBurnGRU.log Please I need suggestions
  9. I'm a new comer so hi everybody I just know basic functions of the imgburn so please don't be surprise of my questions. I changed one of the DVD reader on my computer before I had a LG and a LITE-ON so was very easy to find the OEM media to change the setting for the DVD+R DL into DVD-ROM, now with the ASUS I don't know what to do can someone hlp me please. My media is ASUS DRW-22B2L
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