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  1. Thanks to all the replies Seem to be having the same problem as this chap http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...check+Condition Will ask someone to try it on there comp and if the results are the same Then contact svp In the mean time though I shall trawl through the net for people with the same problem and maybe try and get my Old LG to record a 360 disc
  2. Discs where Bought From SVP which is a pretty reputable online store So I'm hoping They are genuine . That write was from right after the firmware update so might have not took till I restart So Did another , Same problem Writing Normal DVD's seem to work Fine , Just Having trouble with the dl's
  3. Is this an XBox 360 game? yeah , Having no luck with it updated Firmware and Tried another Disc but alas same problems Are these discs officially Coasters now ?
  4. Hello and sorry for making my first post a Question But I'm at your mercy I Bought an Pioneer 111d and today Tried to burn my first DVD9 after Trying some normal DVD5 Images But have seem to have hit a hurdle when it comes to dual layers , I started to write a Dual layer ISO Earlier But Unfortunatly I can't seem to Get the things to start let alone die half way through burning , Its "unable to Recover TOC" . I don't think its writing to the disc at all as Anytime I insert it, Its still classed as empty but too afriad to Chuck away 2 quid with another attempt heres a Small snippit Firmware 1.23, Set as master and on an 80 wire Ribbon also
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