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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thank you kind sir. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. Going to back that up with some cash as well.
  2. By shifting all of these bytes forward 5 in the ifo and bup what is being accomplished. Is something going to break something? This is mainly what information I am after. I have burned these same dvds over again with a dumb program (nero in iso+udf mode) that just burns the files I want with ISO9660+UDF in their respective VIDEO_TS folder. It does not alter any file though of course I am not guaranteed proper physical locations for the files or order by doing this.
  3. I guess I do not understand padding then. The files are still the same size. 32k of data has not been appended to anything. Also this happens regardless of the 32k padding option being on or off.
  4. Just a visual rep of what has changed.
  5. I just noticed they are all having 5 added to them. So it seems. I didn't do the math on them all.
  6. I have searched these fine forums using many appropriate keywords that I can think of and can find no mention of my issue. I am using Imgburn Whenever I use the Build mode to burn a Video_ts and Audio_ts folders of a dvd they complete without issue. The resulting dvds play in my stand alones and in my computer. When I do a byte to byte comparison of all the files on the dvd and in the Video_ts folder they all match except the VIDEO_TS.IFO and VIDEO_TS.BUP files. For example: Comparing files VIDEO_TS.BUP and E:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.BUP 0000000F: 24 29 00000813: 25 2A 0000081F: 25 2A 0000082B: 7D 82 00000837: DB E0 00000843: 97 9C 0000084F: AE B3 0000085B: 80 85 00000867: 2C 31 00000873: 43 48 0000087F: BD C2 0000088B: 80 85 00000897: E1 E6 000008A3: 9C A1 000008AF: 85 8A 000008BB: E1 E6 000008C7: F5 FA 000008D3: 96 9B Comparing files VIDEO_TS.IFO and E:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO 0000000F: 24 29 00000813: 25 2A 0000081F: 25 2A 0000082B: 7D 82 00000837: DB E0 00000843: 97 9C 0000084F: AE B3 0000085B: 80 85 00000867: 2C 31 00000873: 43 48 0000087F: BD C2 0000088B: 80 85 00000897: E1 E6 000008A3: 9C A1 000008AF: 85 8A 000008BB: E1 E6 000008C7: F5 FA 000008D3: 96 9B I am curious as to what is being changed in those files and why? This doesn't happen to every dvd I burn this way. Just a few. All are DVD-5 and it doesnt matter if 32k padding is on or off. I have had this same thing done by Nero on occasion. So I switched to Imgburn. Since everything seems to be working I have just kept the unedited files for the future (just in case) and gone about my business. I just want to know what is happenning.
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