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  1. LOL, cheers. I thought i'd bought dud disks, because I usually only by verbatim , but had a punt on these at the same price because I couldn't find the verbatims for the same price anymore. burnt 2 more no problems though
  2. is there a reason for that ? or was it just one of those things? shit luck?
  3. hi , i burnt 1 disc no problem but the 2nd disc failed. any idea why ? ive attached the log verify.log
  4. trying to create a dvd from a .avi files i tried a couple of things , all verified ok 1)using xilisoft video convertor to convert the avi to a .vob then putting that in a VIDEO_TS folder and doing the bit in the build guide ( http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1778 ) 2) creating a .iso and burning the .iso to disc as i do with my blu-ray files (on the main imgburn screen) process 1 my dvd player couldnt read the disc , neither could my pc process 2 the pc played it but it showed up as a data or photo disc on my blu-ray player so wont play i did notice that when i pressed calculate as per the guide for process 1 it still said 0% i usually use xilisoft dvd creator for avi burning as it does it all but sometimes the sound is out of sync ( as it is with this file) so rather than give up thought i'd try imgburn verify.log
  5. ive just found some software that will allow me to play them . when i get the discs back ill try them and re verify them
  6. also i dont have the logs because ive burnt things since but the logs looked fine to me . also , the movies i ripped arnt that new so i dont see why they would cause problems
  7. i dont have a good enough graphics card in my pc to test them on my pc's bd drive at the moment. btw
  8. hi, if im burning blu ray .iso files and they verify ok does that mean the blu-ray player is the problem? even though the original disc that it was ripped from played fine?
  9. done 2 different .iso files at 4X with the 4X discs and have verified perfectly . so far so good : )
  10. Not sure if this is the right section for this Has anyone bought any of the Mitsubishi/verbatim blu-ray discs from the Japanese sellers on eBay ? I'm interested to know what quality the discs are and how you got on with them on imgburn and did they shoe up on imgburn as what they are supposed to ?
  11. Ok thanks , for all your help mate . It's very much appreciated , especially the speed in which you've replied ( I like getting things sorted and off my mind quick ) i'll update this thread with how I get on BTW I did the 6x disc at 2x speed too
  12. No I haven't tried the .ISO on another 4x disc . Do you think I should ? is the f in 'VERBAT-IMf-000' just the code for a 6X disc and the d in 'VERBAT-IMd-000' 4X or does it mean something else?
  13. Ok thanks. Will they still do firmware updates now they don't do the drive anymore ? Ive got 6 4x discs left so i'll try them at a different speed every time 1 goes bad . I'll keep a log on this thread if that's ok , it might help people with similar problems in the future . I suppose I'll keep an eye out for some cheap printable verbatim 6x dl too
  14. everything went fine it seems here is the log does that mean it is most likely the discs that are the problem or is there something else i should do? ImgBurn3.log
  15. Turns out its 6x they have . I'll start it soon and get the log up ASAP cheers
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