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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I dont know where to start, i have tried everything and read every page on the internet . My problem is that the device buffer is never reaching 100%, (readbuffer 100% tho) never over 90% pending from 30-90% and the writingspeed is pending 4-9X when the burner and the media supports 16x, and the quality of the movies im burning is sometimes crap, sound dissapering, glitching, freezing...ahh...you know what i mean. If im doing something else on the computer when im burning, just opening a map, both buffers going nuts and the writing speed goes down... To make it easy i removed all hardrives but the system drive and that is a Hitachi Desktar (older) 60gb for the moment, put to primary master, (tried with my s-ata drive and other drives as systemdisk) so its nothing wrong with the disks. One dvd burner philips dvdr 1640 (latest firmware) set to primary slave(i have tried to set the burner to secondary master,slave etc.), tried other burners Nec, Sony etc. so the burners cant be the problem, im using good media (verbatim) but i also tried with other brands TDK, Sony, etc. so that cant be the problem. . DMA is enabled, 32bits transferrate in bios enabled, tried different burn applications, nero, clone...etc, neros aspi... cpu p4 2,8ghx 1024 ram MSI motherboard latest bios... What am i doing wrong??? please help..
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