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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks Blu When will this be available or is there an update now. Goldy
  2. Thanks !!!!! Love your program
  3. Thanks for the reply. Can I save that read to my hd and then burn it? Sorry for the dumb question. Goldy
  4. Hi, I use Alcohol 120% to make a disk image. Can imgburn make a disk image straight off of a decrypted Dvd? Thanks Goldy
  5. Goldy

    Disc Image

    Yes taken directly off of the dvd then onto my hard drive. How?
  6. Can you make a disc image directly from a disc to your hard drive using ImgBurn? Goldy
  7. Thanks again all. I just don't like the fact that I can't back up something that I own. The coorparate world has the advantage in this case. Goldy
  8. Thanks all for your quick response to my questions. It looks like I better be carefull not to damage the disc or it will be an expensive mistake. If anyone knows a way that I could do it or a company that would do it please let me know. Thanks Goldy
  9. Hi I'm not sure this is the place to post this for help. I just bought a new car with a GPS Navigation System in it. The Nav. disc is a DVD and costs $199.00 to replace. I used Alcohol 120% to make a disc image (Mds.) I then burned that image on a dual layer disc since the data was about 6 gigs. I placed the copied dics in the Nav system and it could not read the disc. Is there a way to copy such a disc? Someone said that the disc might be written in a ptp format and the copy I made on my computer is opt? I have no idea what that's all about. I've been very successful backing up many of my own Dvd's( Hundreds). Can anyone point me in the right direction to back up my copy. Thanks, Goldy
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