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vision6800's Achievements

ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks
  2. The burned dvd ejects, I replace it, click ok to close and start the burn. Before I had to click ok twice, or wait the 10 seconds instead of the second click.
  3. I just deselected the "insert next disk- auto ok" screen. As an American, I didn't know what the "queue options" were. Thanks
  4. When making several copies, is there a way to skip the ok button and not wait 10 seconds before starting a new burn?
  5. Do you have any guess to the error rate imgburn has?(1 in 100?) If verify found an error, does it fix it or just report it?
  6. How important is the Verify process? I've burned/verified 5 dvds(from one original file on my hard drive) without a comment coming up on the log. I'd like to just burn from now on. Is this risky? Thanks
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