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About Elad

  • Birthday 11/26/1987

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Who uses a lot in Total Commander know that there is no up to date disc burner for him .. I thought it would be awfully nice if it would plugin of ImgBurn that work with TC, what do you think?
  2. I want to use ImgBurn completely without nero because is clean, fast and small. But the must important thing for me and what i use many times is to burn audio disc. In ImgBurn you need first to make cue file, and then is anlysis it and after he burn it, i hear the songs in very very low quality, and many noises. i hope the next version in ImgBurn will be with more audio disc support and features.
  3. There is a diffrence between cue and bin? What to select? thanks.
  4. So i guest i buy Pionner. Thanks all
  5. I know Plextor and Lite-On is the best, buy is hard to find them today, and in my cuntry. What about Pionner or NEC? Thanks.
  6. If i create iso file with few audio files, and then burning it with ImgBurn, this will work on CD Players?
  7. There is option to burn mp3 files to Audio CD by using ImgBurn? This will make ImgBurn to be Perfect!
  8. I have x.bin file. I want to add 2 files inside x.bin file and save it. ImgBurn can do it? If not, there is recommended & freeware software that do it? Thanks.
  9. Thanks everybody
  10. Hi, Im using ConvertXtoDVD, its a nice program, now its convert it to me. After the conversion how im burn the DVD files by using ImgBurn?
  11. Thanks. And what about make these file to image file, and then burn it? DVD Decrypter can help me whit this?
  12. Hello, I have 2 files: Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers CD1.avi Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers CD2.avi With subtitles inside. Now i want to burn them into DVD disk and see it in my DVD. Tell me if everything is fine: 1. I Open ImgBurn, Mode > Build. 2. I select these two files. 3. Output > Device. My question is if i burn it, i will see this on DVD? If not, what im need to do to burn these files via ImgBurn and see them on DVD? Thanks everybody.
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