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Everything posted by bloodyroar

  1. i build an iso now, like in that guide here but didnt burn it, is this correct?
  2. how could i build a new image without getting problem? should i try file mode with dvd decrypter and the built a new image with imgburn and setting a new layer break?
  3. @blutach yes i am using verbatim +dl. which log u want?dvd decry*** or imgburn log or both? @lighting its only 1 dvd from a complete season box. at the other dvd i not got this problem.
  4. Hello, i did an image of an Original Disc with dvd decry*****, and got an iso/mds, than i wanted too burn the whole disc to a dvd9 but i got this error (like on the pic), didnt had the problem before, its the first time.
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