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  1. OK thanks, I'll give it another try. I do trust your experience
  2. OK thanks, I understand now. I have read a lot about about getting the best results from custom iHAS124 firmware, including information that you provided about your own results, but I thought the consensus is that there are no 'universal' settings that work best for everybody... What works great for some people doesn't always work best for others, despite the same exact settings. I have done a LOT of tests with my own iHAS124 drive, checking KProbe results with a large variety of setting combinations, and finally reached the conclusion that clearing the OPC before every burn provides virtually perfect results every single time, whereas not clearing it doesn't work reliably - for me. Also I have seen other people say the same thing about their own KProbe results, I don't think it's just my drive that benefits from an OPC clear before each burn So it would be nice to have an option to save 9 clicks before every burn, which would also prevent the times when I forget to clear it and end up with an unsatisfactory burn.
  3. Thanks very much for your reply. Sorry I have looked but I don't understand how it is possible with the currently available settings. In the ImgBurn settings there only seems to be the option "Perform OPC Before Write" which I have selected. I don't see any settings that would be helpful to clear the OPC history before each write. Can you please elaborate on what I could do to achieve this? Thanks
  4. Anybody else interested in this?
  5. Hello, I would like an option to automatically clear the OPC history before each burn. Because it makes a big difference to the results, and it currently takes 9 extra clicks to do it manually each time - and also I often forget to do it! It would be great if I could set it to auto-clear each time, imagine all the clicks saved! Please consider adding this option. Thanks Suzie
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