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  1. Lightning UK!, Thank You! That was the problem, ultimatley had to change the drive position to get it to go into DMA mode; but it works fine now. It seem the more I learn about computers the more there is to learn :-) Appreciate the help and I'm sorry I missed the FAQ on the way in. Andrew
  2. Newbie here, I have a 16x maddog (md-16x3dvd9-8x) that performed well in an older system (p4 3.0 2g pc-2700); averageing 6x to 10x burm speed with the 16x white printable media (Memorex?, no label now) I know have the same drive installed in a new system (E6600 w/ 2g pc2-6400), using the same media I can now only get it to write between 0.8x and 1.0x. This is incredibley annoying :-( IMG burn settings are set to max. I have not tested the drive with other apps. I flashed the drive to v1F3 and updated IMG burn to latest w/ no change. Any suggestions? Andrew
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