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Everything posted by Gutossn

  1. Unbelieveable! Is it a game or movie? If a movie, you must rip using DVD Shrink...Or, You'll need a DVD-9. Bye!
  2. Orkut is an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends. ... Join orkut to expand the circumference of your social circle. ... www.orkut.com/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages Google That's right! hehehehe See ya.
  3. Do You know about Orkut? Somebody here joined there? The site was made by turkish/american Orkut, student of Stanford University, CA! Bye.
  4. Let's study the word 'meseum'. In portuguese, the 'place that has old things' is called MUSEU. The word 'meseum' sounds like a 'big table' in portuguese... (mes?o = +/- 'mesaum'). heheheeh OFF-TOPIC! hahahaahha See ya. Guto.
  5. You're right! It's very old anyway! hahahah Thanks for the attention! Guto.
  6. The DVDs that burnt in others DVD Writters works fine here...And the ONLY works here correctly is the DVD-RW... I've reinstall the XP and nothing happens...I'll test it on other computer! Last try... The Media must be awful quality. Fuckin' Chinese Piracy...heheheh Thanks!
  7. Sorry friends! I'll buy good quality medias, to test again! The Firmware is the last available (1.39)! My DVD Writter is Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D! My PC: Pentium III 700MHz 192MB Ram HD 40 GB It's an Ancient PC! hehehe Friends, the problem is only when the DVD is read...I don't know why this problem happens! I will reinstall my O.S. and try again! Bye!
  8. Burn but don't verify! I'm tired! I will forget it... Bye.
  9. Thanks! I'll try right now!
  10. Hello people! I'm Guto from Brazil, it's my first post and I need your help! Please, help me! I will tell what's happened when I burn a DVD...So crazy! Read: I'm go to Build Mode, select the folders and files, select the speed (2x), label names, ISO9660 + UDF, etc... The Burning Process runs fine. When the Burning is finished, the imgburn shows that the DVD is a 'Perfect DVD', so I go to My Computer, and the Driver D: is correct, label ok, I opened and all the files are there, I've tested and the musics works good... THE PROBLEM: I close the imgburn, eject the DVD. I 'wait' a minute...So I put the DVD-R again at DVD-ROM and what's happen? Nothing! The Windows DON'T recognize! So I open the Imgburn and the status bar shows "Incompatible Medium Installed"... THE UNBELIEVABLE: I put this DVD-R on my Playstation 2 to listen some mp3s...I've got listen all of them! Perfect! Please, I need a solution! How can I get the files again from DVD to my HD? What's going on? Thank You so much. Guto.
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