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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I had a pop up blocker running I have disabled it .. it is stopzilla. I also downloaded the file and when I run it or open it it just disappears to where ever I saved it too( the setup.exe file get removed and nothing happens)
  2. So did it work??? No it did not ...
  3. I ran eventviewer and nothing is showing up in the logs
  4. I have disabled the anti virus I have downloded and reinstalled the setup I also have scanned my pc with house call and cleaned it .. how do I launch event viewer
  5. I did everything you asked except recreate the page file .. how do I do that . Also in regards to your antivirus scan I scaned with a online scanner called house call
  6. I got it from imgburn and yes I am admin . this is the only application I have ever had problems installing .. I was able to install dvd shrink,fixvts,ripit4me and dvd decrypter without a problem
  7. did a search for img*.* and nothing
  8. how do I use that function ?
  9. but in safe mode how do I install.. when I tried that the setup.exe file was not on the desktop where I had saved it too
  10. Did all that you asked and it still does the same thing any other suggestions
  11. just did all that you asked and it is still doing the same thing any other suggestions or any other software that does the same thing ?
  12. I am not able to install the setup file .. when I do install it just disappears. I have disabled the AV and still no luck .. how do I install it
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