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Everything posted by DVDinMD

  1. Thanks folks. I had a friend (works for IT in Discovery Co) come over and help last night. For whatever reason, we couldn't burn to a DVD (likely no DVD burner) but he got it on CD and loaded it onto my laptop's harddrive (w/Proshow - smaller size edit version), incl in a streaming version (full size screen). So, I am not worried about the DVD now...I can always get that to my Dad after the party. I just think I am set for the display....getting projector and someone here at work is showing me how to hook it up. Sounds straight-forward from here. Thanks....rookie at all this burning, etc....
  2. Thanks. I likely would have to go to compusa tonight and get a dvd burner, but I talked w/someone here at work. Since we have ProShow software downloaded here at work (incl my laptop), I can likely either burn a CD (tonight) and bring it in tomorrow and then try to burn to DVD on newer laptop. Otherwise, I can use that CD and load onto my laptop's hard drive (right?) so I can show the show through the laptop (via ProShow software)..... I just want to be sure I can burn it to a CD tonight. I have CD-R discs...that should work, right? Is it easy enough to do? (Feel free to give me the 'burning to CD guide for dummies' version...thanks)
  3. I have my specs from Dell 4550...there's two Samsun dvd/cd-rom drives: 1) DVD-ROM DSD-616T and CD/R W SW 248T. Does this mean I have a DVD drive but not a DVD burner? Can I simply burn my ProShow file to a CD-R file and then try to download onto a DVD (on another computer)? The show I had attempted to burn last night seems to be saved in Roxi-Easy CD Creator format....would this mean I can attempt to copy it on a CD?
  4. Help, please....>I really need to get this ProShow 2.0 slideshow w/audio that I created copied onto a DVD for my Dad's 75th birthday party this Friday. I am really a novice with DVDs on my computer - I know my 3 year old Dell has two drives, incl a DVD drive (I've watched movies on it.) Anyway, my ProShow is complete and ready to load onto DVD. When I click on the Create DVD and try using the standard pre-filled output selections, it seems to ask for a DVD disc...but spits it back out a minute later. (I tried both +/- DVD disc types.) Then, I was seemingly able to load it onto the show my hard drive via Roxio Easy CD Creator- but I am not sure if that's right....and I need to get the show on DVD anyway, since I plan to bring my laptop (2nd computer) and show the slideshow via projector. Do I need to burn this to a DVD somehow? If so, how do I do it? Do I have to create an ISO image first (via IMGBurn software)? If someone can walk me through the steps, I would be forever grateful!!! Thank you very much!!!
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