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Everything posted by sbpetrack

  1. I see, thanks. My install image Is a bootable USB-flash disk which was built by a corporate IT department. On that flash disk the only files in \Boot are BCD, bcd.LOG, bcd.LOG2,, boot.sdi, bootfix.bin, bootsect.exe and memtest.exe. That USB flash-disk install image is the one I used originally to install, and now I need to "Refresh", so I wanted to use it as the basis for the Refresh as well. Unfortunately, there seems to be some bug in Win8 Refresh -- the code will only accept a DVD installation disk (and not a USB stick) as the source of missing files. So I'm trying to generate a bootable DVD installer from the bootable usb stick I have. If the directory structure of this apparently non-standard install image is of any interest, let me know and I'll mail you the output of dir /s (or anything else you need). (I'm not sure I'm allowed to attach the full directory listing in a public forum for confidentiality reasons, and besides, I don't see how to attach a file to this post). Anyway, thanks. I guess I'll have to use the USB disk I have and try an upgrade-install with retaining-settings.
  2. This post is a direct continuation of the thread at http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=20775&hl=+windows%20+bootable#entry144315 . I have started a new thread only because the existing thread is marked: "You cannot reply to this topic." In that thread, LightningUK asserts that one creates a bootable DVD for WIn8 by using the same process described for Win 7. However, such an assertion leaves the following questions unanswered: 1. There is NO file called etfsboot.com in the Boot directory of the Win8 USB flash installer. However there is a file there called "bootfix.bin," It is the only file with one of the preselected filetypes, so I'm hoping that bootfix.bin is correct file to list as "boot image." 2. The file bootfix.bin has a size of only 1K. This leads to setting the "Sectors to Load" value to be 2 -- is that right? 3. I assume that the Load segment field should still be set to 07C0. Thanks for confirming or correcting the three items above. Thanks!
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