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    New Zealand

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. "Firstly make sure your Vob, Ifo and Bup files are in a folder called VIDEO_TS" I have checked through the forums and found reference to what I believe is the issue as per the quote above. What is lacking though for someone new like me is what does that actually mean.....ie, make sure your Vob, Ifo and Bup files are in a folder called Video_TS. How / what do you do to achieve that function and what are those files? as i understand it they are associated with and are a part of a movie disc. All I want to do is to burn plain photographs to a disc and finalise it. In this case those Vob etc files will not be there. You mention that I need another tool in order to make a DVD slideshow. What is that tool? Thanks.
  2. Thank you for the help. I am still trying to get to grips with how this burner operates. I have set it to the build mode and managed to get it to see the stick and to burn a disc..except that it will only play on a computer, but not a standard lounge type DVD player. I guess it hasn't finalised the disc although I did let it run right through to completion. I would have thought that the system would have automatically initialised and then at the end, finalised the disc. Is that not the case?
  3. I have about 60 photographs taken with a high definition Canon DSLR camera that have been transferred onto a USB memory stick. I want to burn these images to a DVD disc but I cannot get the imgburn system to recognise or see the memory stick when I select source for the files. I have only recently downloaded the program so how do I get this scenario to work? Thanks.
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