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Posts posted by bumpcity76

  1. That was the first burn with the Sony drive.  Subsequent burns were much worse, I had Nero scores as in the 60's and lower.  With the iHas drive, I consistently had average PI in the 3-400 range in the second layer and never achieved a successful XDG3 burn that would play.  Some would load, but would freeze when trying to play.  So, I'm am getting unplayable games.


    On one hand, I'm trying to figure out why I'm having such awful burns between two drives, three spindles of disks, different computers, etc...  The only thing constant is the power, so that's why I might suspect that.   


    Second, I'm curious why XDG3 games are much more troublesome to burn than XDG2.  I understand that the disks weren't intended to have data burned that close to the edge of the disk, but why do layer 1 issues seem to start at the layer-break and run all the way through?  Without a good understanding of how the overburning works, you might assume that the overburning happens at the end of the burn, and bad overburning would only show up at the end of a disk scan.  If that was the case, then why is it comon for the entire layer 1 to show high errors?  I have a very basic understanding (from what information I can find on the internet) of how dual layer burns work, and what overburning is, but what causes the big train wreck when going from XDG2 to XDG3?  I've read that there are two methods for dual layer burning, PTP and OTP.  If XDG3 disks are burned OTP in Imgburn, then layer 1 begins at the outer edge of the disk (where overburning is done, correct?) and moves to the inside.  If that's the case, perhaps the layer-break happens in at the start of the overburned area of the disk?  I could see where that would cause layer 1 issues starting at the layer-break.  I'm trying to get a better understanding of the process to help myself troubleshoot my issues.  I haven't been able to find a good technical discussion on burning XDG3 games.  


    Sorry for the confusion, and thanks much for the help!

  2. I'm sorry, but I'm not really sure how to word the title.  I posted about having trouble burning verbatim MKM 001's and 003's with a LiteOn iHas 124 D and Sony AD 5280S-CB-Plus.  I've tried using another laptop, and I've tried swapping out my laptop's hard drive with another with a fresh XP install.  I've tried SATA to ESATA, as well a SATA to USB 2.0 interface.  Still, layer 1 always takes a dive (very high PI and PE).  The only thing constant in my setup is the power.  I understand that the second layer is 'burned through' the first layer, so does layer 1 burning require additional power?  I'm currently in Kuwait, running on 240v power.  My DVD burner power supply is dual voltage (110\240), so this 'shouldn't' be a problem.  However, we're on generator power, albeit a sophisticated setup.  I haven't noticed any issues with computers, tv's, lights, or other electronic devices, but I honestly don't know how 'clean' the power is.  I also don't know if burners are more sensitive to power fluctuations, especially when burning the second layer.  Of course, XDG2 images burn fine, and they are burning dual-layer.  Maybe overburning changes power requirements?  Can anyone offer advice?


    Thanks much,




    LenovoT520 i7, 8GB RAM, SSD hard drive

    LiteOn iHas 124 D

    Sony AD-5280CB-Plus

    SATA\ESATA or SATA\USB (x360 USB Pro v2)

    External molex\SATA power supply for burner

  3. Well, I ran Nero Diskspeed with this latest burn in the Sony drive and here are the results:


    General Information
     Drive: Optiarc DVD RW AD-5280S 
     Firmware: 1.Z8
     Disc: DVD+R DL (n/a)
     Selected speed: 5 X
    PI Errors
     Maximum: 96
     Average: 7.44
     Total: 247905
    PI failures
     Maximum: 10
     Average: 0.02
     Total: 4800
    PO failures: -
    Jitter: -
    Scanning Statistics
     Elapsed time: 29:32
     Number of samples: 33335
     Average scanning interval: 8.00 ECC
     Glitches removed: 0
    According to this, the burn is acceptable.  Why the big difference between kprobe and Discspeed?  Now, I'm more confused than before.
  4. I've been having a tough time burning XDG3 disks.  My burns go off the deep end after the layer break.

    Here's my setup:

    Lenovo T520, i7, SSD hard drive, 8GBs RAM, Windows 7 x64


    I first started using a Lite-On iHas 124 D with Imgburn and MKM-003 and 001 Singapore disks.  I always burn in safe mode.  I tried every combination of setting in Imgburn and documented the kprobe results.  I got close a couple of times, but never got a burn within recommended PI and PIF specifications.  The drive is connected externally to my laptop.  I tried using a SATA\ESATA cable to my laptop's ESATA port, as well as the X360 USB Pro v2 interface.  I also tried all combinations in Imgburn with the source on my SSD and with the source on an external drive.  Always bad after the layerbreak.  I also tried disks from three different spindles.  Now, I just received a Sony 5280S-CB-Plus and I'm still having issues after the layerbreak, using default Imgburn settings (minus disabling burnproof).  After burning on the Sony, I placed the disk in the Lite-On for Kprobe scanning.  I can't figure out what's going on.  Could it be my laptop?  


    Here's my latest Imgburn logs and kprobe results:


    ; //****************************************\\
    ;   ImgBurn Version - Log
    ;   Wednesday, 14 August 2013, 17:57:09
    ; \\****************************************//
    I 17:26:20 ImgBurn Version started!
    I 17:26:20 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1, Safe Mode)
    I 17:26:20 Total Physical Memory: 8,230,128 KiB  -  Available: 7,480,472 KiB
    I 17:26:20 Initialising SPTI...
    I 17:26:20 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
    I 17:26:20 -> Drive 1 - Info: Optiarc DVD RW AD-5280S 1.Z8 (E:) (USB 2.0)
    I 17:26:20 Found 1 DVD±RW!
    I 17:27:00 Operation Started!
    I 17:27:00 Source File: C:\Users\krisf\Desktop\XCOM_EnemyUnknown\XCOM_EnemyUnknown.dvd
    I 17:27:00 Source File Sectors: 4,267,015 (MODE1/2048)
    I 17:27:00 Source File Size: 8,738,846,720 bytes
    I 17:27:00 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD_ROM
    I 17:27:00 Source File Volume Set Identifier: c3e78000MS UDFBridge
    I 17:27:00 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM)
    I 17:27:00 Source File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF
    I 17:27:00 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50)
    I 17:27:00 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Optiarc DVD RW AD-5280S 1.Z8 (E:) (USB)
    I 17:27:00 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
    I 17:27:00 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x
    I 17:27:00 Destination Media Sectors: 4,267,040
    I 17:27:00 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,133,520 (Changeable: Yes)
    I 17:27:00 Write Mode: DVD
    I 17:27:00 Write Type: DAO
    I 17:27:00 Write Speed: 4x
    I 17:27:00 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
    I 17:27:00 Link Size: Auto
    I 17:27:00 Lock Volume: Yes
    I 17:27:00 Test Mode: No
    I 17:27:00 OPC: No
    I 17:27:00 BURN-Proof: Disabled
    I 17:27:00 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
    I 17:27:00 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
    I 17:27:00 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,133,520
    I 17:27:00 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
    I 17:27:09 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
    I 17:27:09 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 2,133,520
    I 17:27:09 Filling Buffer... (512 MiB)
    I 17:27:11 Writing LeadIn...
    I 17:27:14 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 4267014)
    I 17:27:14 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 4267014)
    I 17:27:14 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2133519)
    I 17:40:42 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2133520 - 4267014)
    I 17:54:19 Synchronising Cache...
    I 17:54:20 Closing Track...
    I 17:54:34 Finalising Disc...
    I 17:55:36 Exporting Graph Data...
    I 17:55:36 Graph Data File: C:\Users\krisf\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Optiarc_DVD_RW_AD-5280S_1.Z8_WEDNESDAY-AUGUST-14-2013_5-27_PM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
    I 17:55:36 Export Successfully Completed!
    I 17:55:36 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:28:35
    I 17:55:36 Average Write Rate: 5,254 KiB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,467 KiB/s (4.0x)
    I 17:57:08 Close Request Acknowledged
    I 17:57:08 Closing Down...
    I 17:57:09 Shutting down SPTI...
    I 17:57:09 ImgBurn closed!
    Kprobe results (burned with Sony, scanned by Lite-On
    Date                     : 8/14/2013 8:12:57 PM
    Model                    : 1-0-0-0 E:ATAPI   iHAS124   D      8L0A
    Disc                     : DVD+R DL , MKM003 [Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation]
    Speed                    : 4x
    ECC blocks sum (PI/PIF)  : 8/1
    Scanned range            : 0 - 4267015
    Sampling count           : 250127
    Errors                     : 0
    PI Max                    : 189
    PI Average             : 26.29
    PI Total                  : 822310
    PIF Max                  : 3
    PIF Average           : 0.19
    PIF Total                : 6076


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