Someone told me to come and ask this because it has to do with IMG but i think its because of the Over-burner I Have, But just to be safe and tell you guys the hole story.
Alright well. the guy i goto for Games, gave me a "Philps" Burner (That over-burns bigger 360 games onto discs), And yes It's IDE (Fies my Inputs), So i hooked it up, rebooted the PC, pop up came up and showed me that i had installed another drive and do i wanna save the changes, So i clicked yes. So i open IMG and selected the drive and found the dvd.file (of the game i wanna Burn) and clicked Next and a pop up comes up and say's something like, "Please make sure the Burner is Compatible with the DVD+RW dise or whatever" cause i'm using "DVD+ R DL Dise" cause the RW ones are only 4.7gbs But...The guy told me it dose not matter i can use ANY Dise!, But how can that be if I'm getting that message?. It even say's on the drive itself "DVD+RW" the one I'm using now (Its not an Over-burner) it say's on it "RW & R DL"...Anyway i sent it back and he gave it right back to me saying "there's nothing wrong with it" you need IMG, witch i had the i think it was? newest one. Anyway Just now i put the R DL Disc into the try, Loaded IMG, found the Dvd.file and Clicked Next, And i get the same message That its telling me the Image is to big for the dise or whatever and do I Want to continue, "Clicked Yes" and i get a message saying "Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Failed!- Reason: Invalid field in Parameter List" Witch i have no clue on what that means?. Also say's below it "Try Again" Cancel" or Continue" I Cliced "Continue" And another Error message comes up and say's
"I/O Error!
Device [0:1:0] Philps DVD+-RW DVD8631 9D03 (E:) (ATA)
ScsiStatus: 0x02
Interpretation: Check Conditon
CDB 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00
Interpretation: Write (10)- Sectors:0 - 31
Sense Area: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 73 02 00 00 00 00
Interpretation: Power Calibration area Is full."
And that's it...So what's going on? I Think (witch I Don't know Much about this stuff) is because I'm trying to use R DL Discs, I Put an RW one in and it burns fine, witch dose not Play (already tested on 4.7gb one) It's way to big i guess. But he's saying "It dose Not matter" It will burn onto ANY Disc, So yeah i have No clue what's going on. Thanks for the help again guys.