Thanks, no bug!
What threw me was that with one path, without a file name attached, listed
in the `non-advanced' source window, that path and all associated files appeared
in the iso image (that is, the mounted CD). So that seemed to be the `simple' way
to do it - except when a second path was introduced.
The advanced tab does not seem to help. I have V2.5.7.
A screen sot is attached.
What I thought should happen is files explicitly mentioned (eg Setup.exe)
would appear in the root folder of the CD image whereas the mention
of a folder only, would load all the files in the folder, including the path.
There are two folders: Discmaps\syd15\mapphoto and Discmaps\mel40\mapphoto.
If I delete one, the iso is created without an error message, then mounting it as a CD
does seem to display what I was expecting, with a full path for the folder.
One may require all the files in the paths a/x/b and a/y/b to be copied to a .iso file.
However if there is a common file name, ImgBurn appears to issue an error message and stops.
eg for file name c, a/x/b/c and a/y/b/c seems to result in an ImgBurn failure.