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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Sorry, Here's my burn log. imgburn_write.txt
  2. The ImgBurn shuts down right after DVDFlix completes the entire session so I don't have the burn log. What I finally do have are the two TS_audio and video folders but the audio folder is empty and the dvd still won't play in my stand alone but works fine on my computer.
  3. I just tried authoring the dvd in DVDFlix and then burning it and it still didn't load in my home entertainment player. Any additional thoughts on how to fix this so that I end up with the audio and video_ts folders? Thanks for your help.
  4. What file type should it be in or does it not matter? I'm not familiar with either DVDFlick or Convertxtodvd. As always your help is greatly appreciated.
  5. Just tried (in vain) to burn a VOB file to a Verbatim 4x DVD+RW on my Dell Precision M4400's internal PLDS dvd+ - RW du - 8a3s with no luck. My problem started while trying to change the book type since I didn't know exactly if my optical drive was a Lite On or NEC so I tried both only to get a combination of "invalid field in CDB" in the Lite On tab or "Invalid Command Operation Code" in the NEC Tab. As you can tell this really new to me so any help you can give me is greatly appreciated. Attached is my burn log. ImgBurn.log
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