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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I don't no how as I don't want to play with the settings.
  2. I'm trying to redownload ImgBurn but my antivirus software isn't letting me. How can I redownload ImgBurn without the antivirus removing it? Thanks.
  3. I have been using this program for 1 week and I loved it a lot. I just made my first donation to this program hopefully it will help to improve it in the future.
  4. I will post picture of what is going on.
  5. Thanks for your reply. Its being said that the game most be ripped into ISO file to patch it up. I have tried 2 times with bin file and it didn't work while patching the game. I think now its converting the file to ISO as I see time minutes 38 beside something called (MM: SS: FF) time elapsed: 00: 39:00. I think it will take 1 more hour to convert and I will leave it like that and see what will happen. Thanks.
  6. I want to rip my game file to ISO and the game is called Policenauts to patch it with an English patch. But when I click on save file to save it as an ISO format, I got a message saying "that is not the proper format to save the disc file as ISO but if you want me to do it click yes!" I do click yes and after the green bar appears and just stay like that forever and saying " READING SECTORS!" Any help or idea on how to solve this problem? Thanks.
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