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  1. I suppose trying it with one disc will be worth the sacrifice if it doen't work knowing that all future DVDs will work. What about existing back ups how do I determine the position of the LB (in time), is it the best result from the build process e.g. attached doc shows the LB screen direct from a finalised back up disc which exbits the hang up / skip a few secs problem) it shows two possibilities (the 2nd being the best option) Is this where the LB is during playback i.e. 1hr 16m,00secs but I get the hang up on this disc at 1hr 18m 11secs, which you can see during the preview screen?? LB_Example.doc
  2. Ok I've done an extensive search (opportunity for a flaming if I've missed something)....When I back up my DVDs onto DL media (Verbatim DL+R) mostly they play ok however sometimes I get a hang up for a couple of seconds at the Layer break or playback skips a couple of seconds at the LB. I'm still learning and using tips from the guides and eleswhere on the forum so what i really want to know if after I've backed up how do I determine at what point of playback (i.e. minutes and seconds, and chapter not cells, sectors or %) is the LB so I can put the back up disk in my standalaone player and check the playback there is good. All answers welcome (apart from the obvious watch the whole DVD). Thanks, Rob P.S. I verify each disc with either IMG burn or Nero CD- DVD Speed but this does not highlight any problems.
  3. Thanks for that.
  4. Hi, have used DVDD for some time now and just found IMGBURN, anyway thought I'd check out the guides to get me started and hit upon a problemo. To view the screeenshots I either left click on the link or right cllick on the link both of which give me the follwong eror message.... Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available. Any ideas / comments. Be gentle first post!!
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