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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks for your help. I got it working last night. I was making it harder than it really was! Imagine that:) Blessings, Matt
  2. I started using imgburn after I encountered issues with the other software that I was using. It was a Roxio CD Creator type of software that came with the computer, but the discs that I was getting didn't seem to be bootable. That's when I read the info on the PCLinux wiki and forums and imagburn was mentioned there. So I have been using it since then. I have tried multiple ways to make this work, both with imgburn and a couple of other softwares. I like the imgburn interface better than the others so I was trying to pursue making it work with that program instead of the others that I was also using. Thanks, Matt
  3. Thanks guys for the patience. I tried that but I was using a different program to do the burn with, so I will try imgburn that way tonight and see what happens. Blessings, Matt
  4. Thanks for the reply. The file I am using is a PCLinux OS iso file from one of their mirrors. There is a wiki on their site that has instructions for downloading and burning but it never addresses this issue. I have also recently tried using an iso from a different source of a completely different distro of Linux (Knoppix) and get the same result in that the image that is created when I use the build mode is nearly twice the size of the original file. I'm sure that the problem is something that I am doing, but I have been through the guides a couple of times and still can't figure it out. Thanks again, Matt
  5. I am trying to create an iso image from a downloaded file. The iso file is 699MB but the image that is created is nearly twice that size and hence will not burn onto a CD. Can anyone help me with this admittedly newb issue? Thanks, Matt
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