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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks. I see where I got it backwards but you answered my question according to my needs. Thanks again
  2. My question is will imgburn burn a +R disc if the original disk was a -R? Most of my iso files were burned from +R discs but I can get -R disks a lot cheaper. Don't want to buy a bulk order of -R if this won't work. Thanks
  3. Man. The best dvd software out there. Nero and roxio are going to the recycle bin. I've searched for weeks for free software after my nero free trial ran out. Downloaded several non working ones. How did I miss this one. Thanks again
  4. Worked great. Thanks
  5. marinechamp

    imgburn icon

    I have vista. I downloaded imgburn but I have no icon to run it. I have to keep installing it every time I want to use it. Where is the shortcut for it? Thanks
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