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Posts posted by maxcelcat

  1. Folks, I love imgburn, have used it for years, and went to grab a copy for one of my machines back in late December.


    I downloaded the installer from your first mirror, Digital Digest, only to find it was one of those installer-inside-an-installer things, which went and tried to install all sorts of software before it would allow me to download and install imgburn. I killed it before it finished, but it still installed three different kinds of malware on my machine.


    Here's the text in some small print at the bottom of the Digital Digest download page:


    "The download link to the right is enabled with our secure download manager to ensure a successful, faster download. You can download this file without our download manager here."


    "Secure Download Manager" = malware vector.


    Here's my post about attempting to remove the malware: https://serverfault.com/questions/890505/remvoving-the-malware-from-hell?noredirect=1


    I'm likely to have to rebuild my machine now!


    Please don't use that company as a mirror site, and consider checking the other mirrors for similar activities.

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