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Everything posted by terestron

  1. It was Verbatim...three days and no problems....knock on wood......
  2. I updated the nvidia nforce2 chipset drivers and that took care of the SCSI issue..as for the dual layer read issue i don't think it is a problem since the recommended medial was DVD+R DL and no one else has had a problem. There 8gig of data that needs to be read...time will tell i guess...
  3. Well I made a backup copy of my NAV disc for my Dodge Durango...and I put it in and worked like a charm...so whatever the error was it did not seem to effect the DL DVD....Thanks for the program and the support...you helped me get through it... Terestron
  4. Two errors see pics...i hit cancel and it started to burn the DVD....I had the same errors on the other DV i burned but after i hit canel it burned all the way through and verified fine....
  5. OK I think i got it...build will make the ISO, then I switch to burn and burn the ISO, when i do it will make it UDF as i selected it when i created the ISO copy..thanks!!
  6. OK I am a newbie...I am trying to burn an .iso file? I am in the build..but dont understand how to burn....can you walk me through it? Source does not see the .iso file..but destination does? please help.. Thanks
  7. I need to burn at UDF and Windows/Unix(31) I cant find where in the settings to change to that... Please help....
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