I've used Shrink on my other computer numerous times and burned with my SONIC. Love it! No problemo. I just point and click to burn.
Want to copy some disks on my other laptop, but don't have SONIC on that one.
I followed instructions at top of this forum - and on set up Img burn as Dycrypter, BUT.... my problem is I already HAVE ISO images shrunk w/shrink and ready to copy [like I did with Sonic]. How can I burn those???
It's probably something simple. I just don't know.
ANOTHER POSSIBLE SOLUTION. & QUESTION If I knew how to locate the applications from my HP setup disk (Sonic CAME with new HP #1 computer] , I could just put my SONIC on Computer 2. Can anyone tell me how to locate and install specific applications from my New HP Computer setup disks ???? Or is it hopeless. Maybe I should break down and buy it like a normal person.
PS/ I hate to tell img lovers this, but "SONIC" IS DY-NO-MITE (that is - AFTER SHRINK deflowers the DVD so it's ripe for the taking)
BUT SHRINK is the real deal here.
I'm so green I PAID $20 for the link DVD family Shrink, Img, Decrypter & Energy, and later I notice they're free all over the place. However, If one of the creators somehow got some bucks out of that, I'd gladly give double. It sort of reminds me of the poor guy who created the first DOS operating system but sold it to the nerd for 50K. I always secretly wanted him to get his due from Gates. Same thing here. The "DVD family" creators deserve some bucks. In that same vein - I'm so zoned I actually BUY the DVD's I copy, but I like to have a backup to loan out, because my friends don't ever seem to return the darn things. This way I don't have to lose a friend over $20. I hope that's not a taboo blog here, but I hope no one's "in the rippoff business out there in internetland. After all, the artists are the ones who keep me sane in a crazy world.
Oh, Oh, Sorry. I'm off the soap box now. (I'm sleepless in California, and no one was here to stop me)