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Posts posted by Technecure

  1. I have already installed a modchip into my Saturn, but I want to make sure that I am optimizing my backups with the best writing speed/media. I can't seem to find any information about what ImgBurn's supported write speed's mean, because it still allows me to burn at a slower speed than supported.

  2. I just got myself some older JVC Taiyo Yuden's and I have a question about writing speeds. I bought these CD-Rs in hopes of backing up my entire Saturn library, and it tends to be quite picky with the write speeds. My first question is if ImgBurn says my CD-R's lowest supported write speed is 16x, what will happen if I choose a lower burn speed like 4x or even 1x. My second question is whether or not there is a way to check what speeds my drive is capable at writing at. I think that 16x is going to be too fast for my Saturn to handle, but at the same time most people recommend these CD-Rs for burning them. If it makes any difference the model number on the CD-Rs is J-CDR-ZZ-SK and again they are the JVC ones not the newer CMC ones.

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