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  1. Yes the new Sony 820A uses the Panasonic chip set and yes you are right the 'Advanced Settings' will not work for this drive And one more thing. When i updated to ImgBurn 1.2 my PIE went up. With IB 1.1 my PIE would stay about the same for the full burn on a R-9 but now i get a big jump in PIE starting at the LB (see attachment). Do you think that something in ImgBurn 1.2 has something to do with the PIE?
  2. Yes i know. From what is said about this Sony its the new rebaged BenQ 1670. And btw if ImgBurn didnt support the Sony DRU-820A and the great burns i get with my R-9 verbs @ 6x i would have taken it back to BB.
  3. ImgBurn seems to think that the new Sony DRU-820A is a BenQ drive. There by letting you use the book type settings in the BenQ tab.
  4. Keeping the LB info from PgcEdit. So far in ImgBurn it has been keeping the LB info from PgcEdit after i reboot and defrag befor i burn a MKM001 of the iso. So please do not remove that from your updated ImgBurn when ever you release it. Thanks
  5. Thats right there is no write strategy so the new Benq will only burn at 2.4x for the MKM-001-00 discs but thats the speed i would say you should burn at if you want the best quality. The last full verb MKM-001-00 i burned with my DW1655- Lightscribe Retail i got a nero quality of 97% btw with the new 1655 i leave QSuite at default. With the BenQ 1640 i would change the default. You may want to try and run your file though PgcEdit to set the break point befor you use ImgBurn.
  6. Well if you like send me your latest beta and i will load the file up and see if you did fix someting
  7. Failed to get layer break information from IFO data.
  8. Did by any chance you use PgcEdit or something like it to set the LB? If so was there more than one choice for the LB? Had that problem even though i do use Verbatim r9 disc and by viewing the LB choices i changed the LB and all went well.
  9. I hope this is what you are looking for but i dont think its going to be much help. I 18:54:48 ImgBurn Version started! I 18:54:48 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 18:54:48 Initialising SPTI... I 18:54:48 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 18:54:48 Found 2 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD?RW! W 18:54:57 Program 'Debug Mode' has been Enabled! D 18:55:42 GetIFOLayerBreakPositions Failed! - Reason: VTSSetList Empty Happy New Year
  10. Thank You! will do.
  11. Never too much trouble. And thank you very much for all your great work.
  12. PgcEdit had a list of 5 i think. The one that was PgcEdit choice was 2062832 offset 9. I dont have the info that you want but i could rerun PgcEdit if you want and then give you the screen shot. The strange thing is that i did burn the r9 and it plays well but i forgot to set the burn speed so the r9 burned at max 8x and when i did a Q test with nero i only got a score of 73%. At about 1.5gig into the Q test i got a spike of about 22pif and a spike of about 150 pie. The rest of the Q test was good and at were the LB is there was no spike.
  13. When i check LB info in ImgBurn i get failed to get LB info from IFO data. I use PgcEdit 6.3bata4 and ImgBurn Should i still use calculate optimal in write tab or user specified and use the LO that PgcEdit gave me?
  14. Just a follow up. Ran a Q test with nero on the new disc and here are the scores. I used a BenQ DW1640 for the burn.
  15. Yes your theory is right. All checked out right.
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