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About d4rud3

  • Birthday 02/21/1984

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Yeah I do not use my pc to burn blu-ray as it is easier just to use external, I will have a look around for a new drive in the future one that will support Verbatim media, thank you for your help
  2. According to reviews this is ment to best the best out there but never heard of this manufacturer before and this is quite expensive https://www.amazon.co.uk/Archgon-External-4K-Ultra-Protection-Aluminum/dp/B07QZYLJBF/ref=sr_1_3?ascsubtag=03BoQpARAnW6LDxiSsAyGn6&keywords=Archgon+Premium+Aluminum+External+USB+3.0+UHD+4K+Blu-Ray+Writer+Super+Drive+for+PC+and+Mac&linkCode=g13&qid=1670884214&sr=8-3
  3. Yeah I agree this pioneer drive only seems to like few disc brands, any recommendations what the best drive for value and problematic, the discs I was using are 50gb bd-r Thermal the ones that are made in Taiwan as I have looked on amazon, ebay and see that some are made in Singapore and the price varies a lot, these where off amazon what I am using but had 3 straight coasters
  4. Got this error message yesterday first time I have tried DataLife Plus media thermal I should of got ink jet but heard these are best quality discs around, which ever version you get, could be that they just don't like my drive as this is a very rare one and no firmware updates imgburnlog.txt
  5. Ps4 is very good for playing bd-r media but you can also get the nasty Cinivia message if it is a Sony movie 1/10 times you might get lucky without it appearing, but my ps4 plays blu-ray fine just was blu-ray burner is a pain the arse sometimes, Pioneer seem to dislike most discs ironic thing is Verbatim work the best for me at this time I have tried Acu-Disc the first few worked fine now fail half way through
  6. I got the Canon Pixma IP7250 was a lot cheaper then the Epsons and was delivered in a flash too, for cd labels it does the job!
  7. Yeah don't think many people will have a thermal printer, I will try them japanese ones as I have checked on a site and they do have the verbatim label on instead of cmc, just ordered a cheap cd printer today actually so inkjet it will have to be
  8. thanks for the heads up lucky i just bought 10 of these then and not like 50 I have seen these not cheap but must be the top range
  9. Yeah my Samsung blu ray player make them skip, looks like they play fine on ps4 though I have seen some mitsubishi chemical media by verbatim
  10. Well these verbatim discs work fine so far, thank you for all your help on here
  11. Just getting the discs today and this is the information on them BD Disc Information: Disc ID: CMCMAG-BA5-000 Disc Type: BD-R Disc Size: 120 mm So looks like these are the dodgy verbatim discs damn it Well the first disc burnt without any errors problem is I converted the mkv file wrong when i tried to get it 1920x1080 as it would not play on ps4 what a numpty I am
  12. This is what I got just to see if these work they have had positive product reviews
  13. Ok thank you for the information I will have a look around for some
  14. Just ordered some verbatim as they are ment to be one of the best in the uk, so hopefully these will be better then aone
  15. Ok thank you I only bought this couple of weeks ago, I am trying to find new driver but no luck on pioneer website
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