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Posts posted by natgild

  1. Thanks for all your help. The CD has an autorun program that opens when I double click on the CD listing in Explorer.  When I tried changing the file type to .iso when creating a disk image, I  get a warning from "Yoda"  that iso is not an appropriate Container format for the disk. However Imgburn offered to try to convert from Mode2/Form1 to Mode1 and if was SUCCESSFUL!!  Thanks to all for your help.

  2. I have been using Imgburn for years, largely to save  my CD's on hard disk.  With newer versions of Windows, I am able to just mount an iso file generated by Imgburn without additional software.  Recently I noted that Imgburn generates .bin/cue files instead of iso files, at least with some CD's.  It appears I can not just mount the bin/cue file in Windows without additional software.  Is there a way to force Imgburn to create an iso file instead of bin/cue?

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