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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Like the topic says, is it possible for ImgBurn to work with virtual disc drives?
  2. It worked. Thanks.
  3. I'm starting the program manually.
  4. Can you tell me where the "Check for Updates" setting is stored? I can't get the setting change to stick through the GUI.
  5. Whenever I try to close ImgBurn, it always stalls with the status message "Terminating Program Update Thread...". Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
  6. For whatever reason, when I downloaded it the last time, the checksums didn't match. However, I have verified that they do now. Did you re-upload it?
  7. I did download it from Mirror 7.
  8. The file size and checksum for the installer for ImgBurn listed on the Downloads page differ from those given on the Downloads page.
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