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  1. I'm attempting to burn my first dual layer DVD movie (+R DL Verbatim, dual layer burner). Using Nero Vision Express (or Pinnacle Studio 8), I create the necessary VIDEO_TS folder, VOB, IFO & BUP files with total size at 7+ GBs. Using ImgBurn (tried PGCEDIT too), and following the guide, I try to "Display IFO Layer Break Information" and get the message that ImgBurn is unable to find any cell that can be used for a layer break. Here's the thing. Only one cell was generated for the whole movie title and there are 8 .VOB files. The total time span is contained in one large cell. I have no menu, buttons, etc when I create my output, and upon research, that my situation may not be that unusual. All of my single DVD movies are single cell as well. Is it posssible that ImgBurn wants to see multiple cells to calculate the layer beak? Based on other forum inquiries, all seem to deal with multiple cell issues. I've tried suggestions based on those inquiries but nothing has helped. Any help will be appreciated.
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